about where i've been

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i first would like to start off by saying thank you to everyone who still continues to read, vote, and comment on this book. i know another update has been LONG coming and i owe it to you guys to tell you where i've been.

i've become busy with life. i'm 19, nearly 20, i started this book when i was 16, almost 17. at the time i was extremely motivated and my love for writing was fueled by anne with an e.

i do have plans to someday rewrite, edit, and finish this book. i'm not just sure when. i'm placing this book on a hiatus until i find the time and motivation to finish it.

please refrain from asking me to update. i plan on it in the future, but this writing break is being taken for my mental health and lack of motivation.

once again; thank you, so much, from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

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