Chapter 1

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Excel chronicles
I am Matt Carter, also known as Glitch, I am a teleporter ,I use electrons to travel between 1m to 100m away from my spot, I am an inventor I invented a watch and the first ever optic smart lens. I was struck by lightning bolt on my chest which led to the inventions connect to my brain, which gave me this gift. I keep seeing codes in my head, a binary code that is painful. They seem to have a meaning in a different language, I'm trying to find the answer to these symbols that I see.

Chapter 1 : UNITY

One day, Matt started to get voices in his head," he's near" suddenly he looks at someone's arm and see a symbol that he saw before, so he went to ask him what it is. Turns out it was his former classmate James Rodriquez, so he tells him about the symbol, and James says:" do you have it? "Matt nods his head saying "Yes I do, I want to understand what it is." James grabs Matt into a garage far away from people's awareness and tells him "I am the light user, but not a teleporter. What about you?"
Matt says while he's confused:" I don't know...." James says: "we need to find the others, and then we can search for your body privileges" Matt says:" how can we find people like us? And why?" James says: "we need to assemble Team EXCEL, that's the prophecy"
Prophecy? James stares at Matt, "You don't know about it?" He says," how?" He gives Matt a business card with an address and a phone number, James says:" meet me there 7PM exact!" Matt nods his head in agreement. Both leave the garage and separated, but turns out there is someone listening to their conversation in the garage and recording it on phone, meanwhile Matt going home, the smart lens gives him warning saying:" WARNING, being followed!" Matt turn to a dead end to see if he is followed, the follower follows Matt to the dead end to find no-one there, Matt teleported to the roof while still looking at the follower, using his optic lens to try to analyse the follower movement and weaknesses, the follower disappears, "What?!" Matt says.
Suddenly the follower is behind Matt saying: "found you!" and hits him with a syringe to his neck going unconscious. Time passed and he wakes up to find himself in a cage, he tries to teleport out of the cage but he gets sent back inside, "HOW!?" the follower walks in "That's a nice cage, right?" it takes of the hoodie saying " you'll be a lot more than just help" she looks at him and smile, she opens the cage, "come" she says, Matt follows her with caution, they enter a room full of paintings, the painting contains the same symbols and words that Matt used to see in his eyes, "what are these symbols" Matt says, she says: "the users. What's yours?" Matt's confused he never heard of (users) before, he asks her: "who are you? And why did you kidnap me?" she starts laughing and says:" I am Nia Lopez, I'm from suplingate. I came here searching for you and the others to fulfil a prophecy".
Matt remembers hearing (prophecy) from the conversation with James, "I heard prophecy before" He says. Nia says: "don't interrupt me while I'm speaking! I am the water user and a teleporter" she shows Matt the symbol on her arm "we need to find the light user, he or she will help us find the others" Nia says. Matt starts to get angry and says: "JAMES IS THE LIGHT USER! AND WHY DID YOU KIDNAP ME? YOU COULD HAVE EASILY SAID SOMETHING!" She starts to laugh and says: "I'm sorry......." She stops laughing and says: "how can we talk to him?" Matt remembers he has to meet him 7PM in the address on the business card, Matt shows Nia the card and she says: "that's here?!" James walks in clapping saying: "nice work Matt you came here early. 2 down 3 to go"
Nia is confused and says: "how did you find this place? This place is hidden" James says: "We don't have time for this" we need to find the others!" Matt stares at something and says: "only 3 lightning storms this year, between each other 4 months, last one was 3 months ago, the next one is in 1 month"
"Guess we will have to wait" James said.
One month later.......
"I got something from one week ago!" Matt said "it is in Northern Sore town 20km away" James says: "ok then lets find him.....or her, Nia you stay here ok?Make sure the base is safe" Nia nods her head in agreement.
Matt and James arrives to The town, and after five days of hard search for the one who got hit by the lightning bolt. They reach and ask everyone in every building, they go to apartments and hotels searching everywhere. Matt and James arrived to a hotel to stay in. Each of them have their hotel that they are staying in, while Matt was a sleep he starts dreaming an apartment exploding from air waves, the apartment was in The town's southern streets, and then he wakes up running to James room knocking at 8am, James opens the door saying: " what the hell do you at ....8pm?" "i think i know where is the user" Matt says
"Where" Matt tells him the location and they start moving they have arrived to the apartment and went to the 5th floor and knocks to a door on the right of the lift. A cute girl opens the door, James says: "good morning miss, may we come in? We want to ask you some quick questions" Matt and the girl stare at each other, "hello?" James said while waving his hand in front of them, they stop and she said: "I'm Courtney and who are you?". "I'm James and this is Matt" "hi" Matt said, Courtney lets them go inside and talk. Courtney starts the conversation asking Matt: " how old are you?" James looks at Matt saying: "Miss, that's not why we're....." Matt interrupts James saying: "20,and you?" Courtney answers "19". James says in an angry voice: " where are your parents?".
Silence.........she looks at the floor and says: "I....don't....have... parents" Matt says: "I had no parents too, i lived my entire life with no-one by my side, i found this guy and we were like a family with the others". "who are (others)?" Courtney said.

James says: "I was just going to start talking about it if you didn't interrupt me. Did you see a lightning storm, or got hit by it?" she's shocked and says: "ummm... Yes 2 weeks ago and since then i kept floating when i sleep" James says: you are an extraordinary person, one of kind and we need your help in team excel, a prophecy saviours" she agrees to leave with them to their base. They arrive to the hideout and they see 6 crates in the main room, "welcome back!" Nia said, Matt looks at the symbols in every crate, one of them has the same symbol on his arm. "What are these?" Matt said, Nia response is: "a gift from THE DUNGEON OF THE FALLEN" each crate has one of excel members symbol, the symbols are in each users arm. " where is mine?" Matt asks Nia, She answers: "Thats your symbol right, right?" Matt nods his head, Nia holds a crate that has the same symbol on his arm and gave it to Matt, he tries to open it as hard as he can but it won't open, "use your symbol to open it" Nia said while laughing, she hand everyone their crates and opens her,
Matt opened his crate and he pulled a one handed sword, and black outfit, lightning swordsman is his name
Nia opened her crate next, she pulled a aqua blue clothes, and 2 daggers, aquatic assassin
Courtney opened her crate, shiny white outfit, a rapier, The name is Wind maker

James didn't open his crate," I'll leave it until the team is fully assembled" he said

Matt became suspicious, "(what if he isn't like us)" Matt said to himself, "Its fine James, just open it."
James tries to open it but it doesn't open, everyone looks at him shocked, before anyone can move he released smoke bombs and disappeared. "That bastard, i knew something was wrong" Matt said, "Cant believe I trusted him"
" what are we going to do now" Courtney asked Matt and Nia
"Until the next user is awake we will train on how to use our powers"
6 months later....
Matt was working on a new invention while Nia and Courtney are training on their powers, suddenly Neo The AI assistant Matt made says: "theres is a mist user in center town destroying the central bank" the team are getting ready for battle, Nia goes first while the other two are still getting ready " come on Matt your so slow" Courtney said " we will be late for our first battle". Matt pack silver balls and says: " I'm just grabbing my latest invention" after that Matt holds Courtney's hand and teleport with her to the central bank, after they arrive there they see Nia fighting the mist user, the mist user starts choking Nia with mist, Courtney rushes to help blowing the mist away from Nia with her air waves, "who are you?" Courtney said. "I am mist, i was sent by light to destroy this place and destroy you as a bonus"
Matt uses teleportation and his one handed sword to attack mist a clash between their swords, Matt uses lightning on his sword to affect mist, he tries killing Matt with mist but before he did Matt pulled one of the silver balls and throws it at mist, the silver ball suddenly turns into fire, mist escaped at ran away.
"What is the meaning of all of this" Courtney asks.
"Its a declaration of war!" Nia Said.






Two days later

" WHAT?!" Nia suddenly screamed, "Matt, why is your face glitchy in this video,this one....and this one"

Matt replied: "well, i have a computer inside of me, here..." he opens on his chest to find that there is a metal circle on his left chest near his heart." thats why they call me glitch, i can make illusions from computer data.....but if i used it i might die"

Chapter 1 : Ended

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