Chapter 18

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(Uehara) "wakey wakey everyone"

Courtney woke up and entered the living room where Uehara is.

(Courtney) "It's 4 in the morning"

(Uehara) "i know. We need to wake up early for energy to power our brain"

Courtney blasted Uehara to the wall with air palm

Everyone except for Mira and Yuri entered the living room to see Uehara stuck on the wall from Courtney's air blast.

(Adam) "well I'm going back. See you in the morning"

As soon as Adam was leaving the living room.

(Uehara) "Wait!"

Adam turned around and came back with a sleepy eyes

(Adam) "be quick, i am really tired"

(Uehara)"ok as you all know, this house is mine. But what you don't know is that this beach in the back of the house is our private beach because it's part of the house"

(Everyone) "So?" In a loud voice

(Uehara) "so....we are having a vacation in my beach!...(now finally i can see them in swimsuits and then i will decide which one to go I'm such a genius)"

(Matt & Lieselotte) "what ever..."

(Courtney) "see you in the morning"

(Nia) "later"

(Mac) "I don't care"

(Adam) "bye"

(Alex) "back to bed"

(Uehara) "wait! Come back"

Everyone gone back to their rooms

(Uehara) "Damn it....but still i can finally date one of the cute user i have ever met"


(???) "I'm DR. Daisy Winters I'm the creator of the new revival drug....the drug gives you a strong grip boost and a super fast regeneration to all organs and limbs with a boost like an adrenaline shot but for eternity i am using my dead husband who i killed accidentally......the test subject died 10 minutes ago."

Chapter 18 : Boys and Girls

An alarm starts ringing in Matt and Lieselotte's room

Matt is sleeping on the mat in the ground with a blanket, while Lieselotte is on the bed.

Both Matt and Lieselotte shot the alarm clock with Lightning.

Adam knocked on Matt and Lieselotte's room

(Adam) "hey Matt, wake up. I need to talk to you for a bit"

Matt is half-asleep

(Matt) "go away. I want to sleep"

(Adam) "it's something important"

(Matt) "not happening"

(Lieselotte) "just.....go"

(Matt) "ok I'm up"

Matt woke up and exited the room

(Matt) "what do you want?"

(Adam) "ok, you know that today Uehara is inviting us to his private beach, right?"

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