Chapter 5

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I was groggy when I woke. I clutched my head, which was banging and my vision still hazy. I sat for a moment, trying to get my bearings. It was cold, and it was dark. As my vision settled, I could make out distinguishable points of interest. Trees. Large, bare trees. And a woodland floor, this was a forest, of that I had no doubt. I checked my ankle, and was relieved to find my stake was still there. Along with a sword, I picked it up and slung it over my back, I probably wouldn't use it, a stake was far handier in close combat. 

Rising to my feet, I scanned my surroundings. All was still, which put me at unease. I put aside my terror and then realised, this was the exam. And if I was not mistaken, the 'beast' was most likely a vampire, intent on killing me. This was why the slayers were a dying breed, so few made it through the final exams, and more were cut down in the line of duty. I needed to find a better vantage point, where I was, the trees seemed to canopy around me, and it was difficult to see. I made my way through the brambles, careful not to cut myself, knowing whatever was out there would smell it. 

I stopped occasionally listening for any indication of a sound. Nothing. Just an empty silence which radiated through the forest. I held my breath, listening to anything that could indicate danger. I did not speak, climbing further till I came to a clearing, the forest surrounded it, but it gave a clear view of the treeline in every direction, it was my best option.

Above me, the moon hung down ominously, the clouds drifted across the sky, blotting out the stars. I detected a flicker of movement and saw a figure lurking in the trees. I made eye contact, red eyes. He ran right and I followed his movement, and suddenly saw him charging towards me at inhuman speed. 

Time seemed to stop and slow down, I stepped aside and allowed the creature to use it's own strength to lurch to a stop a few hundred feet away. I watched as it spun and ran at me again. I did not allow it to pin me but stepped out the way and grabbed it's back, throwing it to the ground. It snarled in annoyance and bared it's fangs. I leapt onto the creature, about to stake it before it threw me back, and was a thud I landed on a tree, winded I tried to get up but before I had time to breathe, the creature was holding me by my throat, it's eyes crimson and fangs exposed. 

Before it could choke me, I kicked it in the abdomen, knocking it off balance. Whilst I had it surprised, I kicked it again, this time where it hurt most. The creature doubled over but was quickly back on it's feet, and launched itself at me, hissing and growling like a wild cat. Like a dancer I soared through the air and twisted it's arm, but it caught me, tearing into my skin with it's sharp nails. Blood poured down my arms but I barely recognised the sting.

The intensity of red in it's eyes increased, and suddenly it's gaze diverted to the bloody mess on my arms. I grabbed it whilst it was distracted and tried to throw it back onto a nearby tree, but it was too strong, and growled before reaching for me with bloody fingers. 

I narrowly avoided it's grasp and ran across the clearing, it followed eagerly, making me realise I was very much the prey. Taking it by surprise, I spun around and braced myself for it's impact. 

It pushed me onto my back, with the added body mass, I was pinned to the floor. It went for my neck but with my free arm I reached around whilst it prepared to bite and plunged the stake through it's ribs. It's eyes widened in shock, the life (if you could call it that), draining from it's features, pale skin turning ashen grey and eyes devoid of emotion. Within seconds the creature turned to a pile of ash on the floor. And was then blown away by the wind. 

 Breathless, my heart hammered against my chest and my adrenaline spiked blood pounded through my veins. Taking long, slow breaths I rose unsteadily too my feet. The blood was running and pooling now. I believed my exam was over and sighed in relief. That was until another creature came rushing out the darkness. And another. There were now two. 

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