Chapter 6

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I did not get goodbyes when leaving Rowhurst. I was woken before dawn, and left as the sun rose over the hills surrounding the vast building. I watched out the carriage window as the place I'd spent eleven years of my life at, disappear behind the thickening forest.

With one final glance, I watched it disappear entirely. Miss Rykov was engrossed in a book, her black hair piled on top of her head in an intricate way which must have taken hours, and her dress black, like a mourning dress.

I gazed out the window, watching the countryside fade and thought of how long the journey would be. I hoped we would not be stopped by anyone, for I desired to begin my task and fulfill my promise as soon as possible.

The familiar feel of my stake resting against my ankle brought me comfort, and the feel of the smooth wood was welcoming, a homecoming. Beside me, rested a book, it was a gift from Rowhurst, tradition dictated a book from the library be given to the leaving students, they were always replaced anyway, so it was no great loss.

I had not really looked at it until then, so picking up the cover, I struggled to conceal my gasp when I discovered it was the genealogy book from the library that night. I opened it and to my further surprise, a note dropped out.

It was thick cartridge, possibly ivory with a gold lining. It was extremely extravaggant. My name was written on the front in a lilting script. My full name, not just the one normally given; Beatrice Anne Everlyn.

I checked that Miss Rykov was still engrossed in her book, and cautiously, I broke the wax seal, and opened the letter, pretending the turn a page in the vast volume.

Dear Beatrice,

I hear congratulations are in order on passing your exam. I hear you slayed three of my subjects mercilessly, and let their ashes scatter in the wind. I suppose that I should thank you, as if they were foolish enough to be caught then they deserved death.

I watched the fight, and it was truly magnificent, you would make an excellent vampire. And you are truly a lethal force as they say. This will be a problem. If you make your presence in my society a problem, I shall be forced to remove you.

This is a warning. I suggest you take it seriously. I look forward to your attendence at the debuton ball.

Yours Eternally,

HRH Felix Petrov.

I flushed with fury. The arrogance! It made me want to kill him more, it strengthened my resolve against him. But the debuton ball led to more questions and unable to contain myself, I said, "Miss Rykov?"

She looked at me with keen eyes and a shrewd face, "Yes, Miss Everlyn?"

"I was curious, will I be attending the debuton ball?"

"Yes, we must make it appear as if you are a normal heiress and member of the upper class, this should not be a problem" Her voice showed it was not a question, it was expected of me.

I thanked her and then turned back to the book. I flicked through over a milenia of vampiric history. Page after page, recounting blood shed, massacres and bloody battles. So many lives had been lost and when I reached the page on Felix Petrov, I could not help but read acutely aware this information could save my life one day.

HRH Felix Petrov.

Born in 1458 to Victor Petrov and Lilleana Petrov, both deceased.

Date of turning; 1478

Prince Felix Petrov was turned by the Vampiric King Vladimir Romanov in 1478 during the Russian relapse of bubonic plague. He became prince by 'birth' right to the King and when Romanov experiences the 'final death' Felix Petrov will inherit the throne.

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