Chapter 17

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I could not decipher Felix's outburst in the kitchen. But it did show me something, it showed Felix had a weakness, somewhere inside that dark, twisted soul was something human. A spark of compassion perhaps, or empathy, but whatever it was, I had to exploit it. I needed Felix on my side, too trust me, and then I could find an escape.

I could not feel the sun through the windows, though longed to bask in it's rays, outside, there was no life on the grounds. Only the steady stream of water in the fountains and the occasional stirring of leaves caused by the breeze. I wanted to run along the grass barefoot, feel the wind blowing through my hair, the sun baking my skin. 

With a heavy heart, I sighed and sat on the bed, I had no idea what to do, the window was locked, as was the door. A jar of water had been brought for me, and a dress. It was white and made of a starchy material. The overcoat was made from velvet, it was navy to my surprise, not the crimson red colour most items had here. Testing the window again, I began to wonder if it were possible to climb down. 

I peered out as much as I could, and saw that it was high, higher than I'd thought, at least fifteen feet. Looking around the room, I saw the bed curtains and duvet and covers. I mercilessly pulled off the curtains and began tying them in knots, another skill from Rowhurst; I could tie knots like a sailor. I stripped the bed and kept tying, using anything I could find to make it as long as I could.

It was still morning, and I had to act fast, if I could escape before midday, it would give me over seven hours of light before the vampires rose from their deathly slumber. Rummaging in the wardrobe I found the night gown I'd been dressed in previously, that joined the sheets in my make-shift rope. 

Steeling myself for the sharp sting, I punched the glass, satisfied as it quivered and fell in thousands of tiny shards. Afraid I may have woken them, I quickly tied the rope to the draws near the window and perched out of the broken frame. 

Lowering myself carefully, I clung to the rope tightly, my hands slipping and slick from the cuts formed when I broke the glass. I placed my feet on the wall, and began to absail downwards, careful not to catch my dress. The draw must have shifted because I was flung forwards, wrapping my arms and legs around the rope. It held fast though and I continued my descent. 

As soon as my feet were planted safely on the ground, I started running. I didn't look back, dashing into the forest like a spooked deer. Concealed by the trees I kept running, hoping against hope to find a road or a house. Anything close to civilisation. 

We could not have been that far from London, the journey here had been too fast. I fought through brambles, thorns snagged my skirts, and I eventually got tired of fighting free and tore the skirt too my knees, baring my legs. This did not help though as the thorns scratched and bit, nettles stinging the sensitive skin and dirt working its way into every conceivable place. 

I was weary, every fibre of my being aching and burning from physical exhaustion. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in the undergrowth and sleep, but my mind told me to keep going.

As the sun began to set, I grew fearful, I knew they'd soon discover my absence and coming looking. I could not allow them to catch me, the words of the previous night ringing like warning bells in my ears; everything has a consequence. 

Well the consequences would be dire if I was caught. 

I was out of the forest now, and thankfully, on a country lane. The surface much smoother and more even, what's more, there were even fresh tracks from a carriage, I might make it out alive! 

Hope blazed in my heart, swelling inside me and strengthening my resolve. As the sun slipped behind the hills, darkness desceneded, and that was when I started running again. I don't know how far I ran, but far enough that I eventually came to a sign post; LONDON - 70 MILES. 

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