Chapter 36

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Time seemed to freeze, and the world reeled around me. Romanov laughed, it was cruel, as if mocking my reaction. "Come here" he said. I stayed planted where I was, desperate to keep some distance between myself and him. "Move!" he shouted, I winced but did not, holding my head high and standing my ground. He rushed forward, his face suddenly inches from mine. "Do not assume you can defy me" he hissed, grabbing my throat and squeezing.

"Do not touch me" I choked, my eyes locking with his.

He slapped my across the cheek, the blood rushing to it all at once, out of the corner of my eye I could see Felix stood watching, and suddenly felt betrayed. He made no move to stop what was happening. I kicked out, my knee landing heavily in his abdomen. Immediatly he dropped me, doubling over and then looking at me in surprise, but it lasted only half a second before he threw me across the room. I hit the wall hard, wheezing and spluttering as I slid down and landed in a heap on the floor. "Why is this little bitch not in the cells, Felix?" asked Vladimir, his gaze never wavering away from me as he spoke.

"She tried to commit suicide, so I brought her up here to keep an eye on her" Felix said, his voice lacking any emotion.

"Really? Because I heard some troubling reports that mentioned you two kissing and making doe eyes at each other" said Vladimir.

"Lies. I will kill whoever insinuated it" Felix spat harshly. 

I flinched, hurt by his words, though I remembered him saying forgive me, did he know this would happen?  "I'm glad to hear it" said the king, walking towards me. I struggled to my feet, still winded and took up a defensive crouch. He laughed, "fiesty, isn't she?"

"Indeed, sire" said Felix. The king leaned down, gripping my arms and burying his nose in my neck. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to pretend it wasn't happening whilst shuddering in revultion. Then, without warning, he sunk his fangs into my neck. I cried out but then kept quiet, refusing to scream, instead I looked directly at Felix, watching him with a steady gaze. His face was masked but in his eyes I could see the conflict, I kept my own pain hidden, because oddly I did not wish to grieve him. 

When he had finished, he withdrew, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and licking his bloody lips. I felt sick as he wiped away my blood. "Sweet, virgin blood is always equisite, is it not Felix?" 

"It is" he answered tightly, his jaw clenched and eyes set. 

"Have you tried her?" the king asked.

"Yes" he answered, "her blood is most...compelling" he finished, smiling wryly. 

"That it is" agreed the king. I struggled free and backed into the wall, having no where else to run. 

"Any particular reason for your visit?" asked Felix, "I am surprised as it is the middle of the season"

Romanov waved a hand, "Irrelevant, they can survive without me a few weeks"
"Excellent" said Felix, though I could somehow tell he was lying, his voice was off, and he sounded somewhat different to normal. "Shall I have them prepare your room?" Felix asked, "your arrival was rather unplanned"
The king laughed, to which Felix joined in. "Yes" he said, "that would be most appreciative, and would dinner be arrangable?"
"Anything for the king" he smiled, though it did not reach his eyes, it was false. 

"Well after a long journey I'm famished, I'll be in my chambers Felix, just send them in"

"Yes, sire" 

Felix snapped his hands and a servant appeared out of nowhere, he bowed quickly as Felix snapped "get the king a whore"

"Yes, sire" said the servant, bobbing again and disappearing.

After the servant disappeared, Felix grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me down the corridor, his fingers wound so tightly I could feel the skin bruising beneath his touch. Once in the confines of my room, not his, did he show any emotion. His eyes were filled with fear and apprehension, his mouth set in a thin line and his shoulders tensed. I longed to reach out, to reassure him, but felt as if there were a wall dividing us and that made me uneasy. 

"Felix?" I said softly. 

"You can't call me that anymore" he said, his breathing was ragged, and his voice almost choked. 

"Why not?" I knew the answer, but needed it to be said, to confirm my suspicions.

"He knows, of course he knows" I felt as if he were speaking more to himself than to me.

"Who knows?" I asked quietly.

"Who the hell do you think?" he roared, his breathing becoming more laboured.

"Felix, calm down" I said, reaching out towards him. He recoiled as if my touch were going to poison him, "He's here to seperate us, to make sure I don't back out" 

"Were you planning to?" I asked. His eyes bore into mine, and he didn't have to say it, we both knew the answer, at least I thought I did, no. He would not have backed out. 


"He's going to kill you, he'll make me" he whispered, sounding scared for the first time since I'd met him. "Felix, we will work this out" I said, stepping forward and taking his hand. He did not pull away. My thumb circled his palm, trying to provide some comfort. "Why do you not hate me?" he said, "the things I have done...heaven knows I deserve it"

"Because I believe everyone can be saved, no matter how lost they seem" I told him. His lips parted in surprise, and I kissed his hand gently, my lips brushing his knuckles. "Do what you have to do, I'm a survivor Felix, and I don't need rescuing" I told him boldly. His lips brushed mine, all too fleetingly. "But I want too rescue you" he said, sounding like a pouting child. 

"Well tough" I teased, "I am no damsel" 

"Are you sure?" he said, his hands brushing my side, tracing the curves.

I trembled with longing, but stood my ground, "I'm positive" 

"Shame" he murmured, then spoke up a little more, "do you trust me?"

"Not in the slightest" I grinned.

He grimaced, trying to work out if I was serious or not, before saying, "well you're going to have too"


Sorry for the short chapter, the next one should be longer (in theory, I haven't written it yet)

Please continue to vote, you're all awesome. I dedicate this chapter to @aishalam because her comments are awesome :) Please can everyone leave opinions below. Picture of a possible Felix, it has changed as it started as Jeremy Irvine, but I saw this actor and thought 'wow-Felix come to life' unfortunately I can't find his name, so until then I'll call him 'sexy russian actor', let me know what you think!

Much Love,


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