Chapter Seven

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My heart started beating really fast. What was Cameron going to do to me? Was he going to hurt me?

"Let her go", Cameron demanded. His friends laughed. Cameron got even more mad. "Let her go now".

"What are you going to do if we don't?" One of Cameron's friends asked. Cameron stepped closer.

"I said let her go", Cameron hissed.

"Aww, Cameron's getting soft now", his friends teased. "Come save your precious girlfriend". My face went red when he said girlfriend. That reminded me of when Cameron said I was his girlfriend.

"Either let her go or regret your choice", Cameron hissed. Cameron started throwing punches and it was like a wrestling match had started. Punches were flying, bodies were being slammed. I hid behind a bush, trying not to get hit by a body or a punch. Cameron looked really sexy while fighting. His shirt was ripped, pants were dirty and his muscles have never looked better. He flashed a smile at me and I melted again. Why does he do this to me? Eventually, they all stopped fighting. Cameron ran over to me with a black eye, bloody nose and cuts and scraps on his arms and face.

"Oh my God Cameron!" I shouted. "You're hurt!" He told me not to worry about it and that he will be fine. I didn't listen. I ran him to my house and started to treat his cuts. He smiled at me the whole time and I just stared into his beautiful blue eyes. Parts of me still loved him. Parts of me hated him. I didn't know what to do.

"Did you really mean it when you said I was your girlfriend?" I asked. I had to know this. It hurt me when he called the other girl his girlfriend. Cameron sighed. He looked up at me then ignored my question. "Well did you?"

"Okay fine. I did", he answered. "But I called that girl my girlfriend because I didn't know what else to say. I'm so used to doing that then you came along and I felt differently". "I don't know why I said she was my girlfriend but it was stupid and I'm sorry". Tears started filling his eyes. I've never seen Cameron this way. He looked at me and I could tell he regretted what he did. I finished treating his cuts, kissed him on his face, and sent him on his way. He didn't move.

"Um Cameron, you can go now", I said, pushing him along. He looked back at me with a smile on his face.

"God, you're adorable", he replied then finally left. I melted on my bed. Why, just why does he do this to me? School time came the next day and this time I was pretty excited to see Cameron. I got dressed pretty fast and ran out the door, skipping breakfast. I got to school faster than I expected. I burst through the doors and found Cameron talking to my friends and some girl.

"Hey guys", I greeted. "What's going on?" They all looked at me. I could tell there was a problem because Cameron had that guilty look on his face.

"Hey Em", Sean replied. We've got a problem".

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