Chapter Twelve

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     "What kind of news?" I asked while rushing to get my shoes on. "Is he okay?" The nurse on the other end laughed.

     "Yes, he's fine. He's making progress lately. He still isn't awake but tests are coming back clear", she explained. I thanked her, hung up and rushed to the hospital. As I got there, I immediately rushed to his room but something stopped me on the way. The police were with Cameron's dad. They didn't look very happy. I walked by slowly but an officer saw me.

     "Miss, come here!" He called. I approached him and Cameron's dad instantly gave me a dirty look.

     "Yes, what is it?" I asked, calmly. "Is this about Cameron?" The officer nodded.

     "Tell the nice officer that Cameron fell and got hurt", Cameron's dad whispered. I shook my head.

     "Officer, this man, has been abusing his son for years. Also his wife. Cameron didn't fall. His father did it", I explained. "Sorry but you hurt Cameron. I wasn't going to lie to a cop to protect man who I care about more than anything. Now officers, take him away". I watched Cameron's dad get arrested and get escorted out the door. Cameron was finally safe. Nobody was going to hurt him. I went into his room and held his hand, as I normally do, waiting for him to squeeze it back. He was still on machines, lifeless, motionless, bruised, cut up and bandaged. I told him what happened with his dad going to jail and I swear I saw some color come to his face.

     "Cameron, it's me again. The doctor said that you're doing great. We're just waiting for you to wake up now. So please wake up now", I whispered softly. I sat by his side until the nurse made me leave so she can do some more tests. I sat in the waiting room at a table alone. I noticed this man was sitting alone too so I decided to join him.

     "Hey, you okay?" I asked while sitting down. He didn't look at me.

     "I wish", he sighed. "My wife is having a baby right now and I'm a nervous wreck. "I hope they're both alright". He turned to look at me. "Why are you here?"

     "My boyfriend is in a coma so here I am", I sighed next. The man took my hand.

     "Listen, things will get better", he said firmly. "Your boyfriend will push through this and he will be better than ever". He looked up as the doctor called him. "Stay strong". The man walked away and I was left alone again. I looked around at everyone in the waiting room and wondered why everyone was there. They probably have worse problems than me. I waited and waited for the nurse to tell me that it was okay to come back to Cameron's room but she never did. I began to panic. What if something happened to him? What if he got worse and they haven't told me? What if he woke up and is calling for me. All these thoughts flooded my head and I tried to sleep in a chair. A few hours went by and I managed to get some sleep but I was woken up by what sounded like yelling coming from a hospital room. I looked around and half of the people that were there are gone. Maybe they got treated and left. Maybe some people needed to stay. The yelling got more and more intense and loud so I got up and decided to follow it.

     "Move, kid move!" A doctor yelled as he and a bunch of others sprinted down the hallway, knocking me out of the way. I ran after them wondering what was going on but was rejected by another doctor.

     "Sorry kid, you can't go in here", he said, pushing me back a bit. "This is for staff only. Sorry".

     "Oh come on, please. My boyfriend is in there and he needs me", I begged. Please". The doctor looked back and shook his head.

     "I"m afraid he needs prayers and good luck right now, kid. Not you", he replied.

     "Wh-what does that mean?" I asked, fighting back tears. "I-is he o-okay?" I broke down crying when I saw the doctor shake his head. He patted my shoulder then rushed to try to save Cameron's life. I sat on the hospital's floor and cried. My phone kept blowing up from Sean and Taylor texting me nonstop. Even though he's popular and bad and can get every girl he wanted, he means so much to me. That night at his party when he made me black out, I pictured him in my mind and it was all happy memories. I tried peeking through the door but I couldn't see much. Please be okay, Cameron. Please.

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