Chapter Eight

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A problem? What kind of problem? I looked at Cameron. He wouldn't look me in the eye. A girl was next to him, looking completely mad.

"Care to explain yourself?" Taylor asked. "Why did you do it?"

"I-I.....", Cameron began". "I-I don't know". Cameron looked really ashamed of himself. I still had no clue what was going on.

"What is going on here?" I asked. "What did Cameron do?" I looked at the furious girl next to him. She was holding a pregnancy test in her hand. Did he get her pregnant? My mouth fell open when I realized what Cameron did. Now, it was my turn to be mad at him.

"You got me pregnant and you want to date her?!" The girl yelled while glaring at both me and Cameron. "This is your baby, Cameron! You are taking care of it with me!"

"There is NO way I'm taking care of that child!" He shouted. "We aren't together so you take care of it yourself!"

"Hold up. You got a girl pregnant?!" I asked, trying to make sense of what was going on. Cameron punched a locker and ran out the school. I saw tears in his eyes when he left. I ran after him and found him crying under a tree. I ran to his side and felt his pain.

"Cameron...", I started. "Are you alright?" He looked up at me briefly. I could see sadness and anger in his eyes.

"Everyone sees me as this bad boy who doesn't care about anything but I wasn't always this way", he explained. "I actually did have feelings". I looked in his eyes. I could tell he was hurting.

"I used to be a good kid", he continued. "But then my dad left when I was a child and that really hurt". "Do you know how bad that hurt me?!" Cameron broke down at this point. This was the Cameron I wanted to know. This was the Cameron I wanted to be with.

"'s okay. There's no need to be sad", I replied, comforting him as best as I can.

"After he left, I figured if he doesn't have to care about something, why should I?" He went on. "So I got new clothes, changed my hair, and started acting differently. I hung out with certain people and gave dirty looks to those who looked at me wrong".


"But Emily", he interrupted. "When I'm with you, I feel different". I feel like the good kid I was years ago. I feel like I'm actually worth something. You give me this feeling that no one ever has in this world. You give a reason to live". He kissed me at that moment. His kisses were soft and gentle. His touch was careful and sweet. We stayed kissing until it was time for first period. He took my hand and we went off to class together. A few kids stared at us, including that girl he allegedly got pregnant. I wonder if he really did get her pregnant or she was just crazy. Sean and Taylor looked at me like I was nuts but I didn't care. He held the door open for me and we headed inside. A few kids whispered about seeing Cameron cry, but he shut them down with his mean, yet adorable looks.

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