The Lightning

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It was always there. Every night. The Lightning.

Notice that lightning is capitalized: It is not a thing. It is not the things you see in a storm. It is something else.

It started years ago, when I was five. I suppose that was a little young to have horror, to find someone weird, but as you have figured out with my few lines, it doesn't matter to the Lightning.

I was playing with my little dolls. Oh, these weren't normal dolls. No, no no. These were dolls that I found outside because I didn't want to play with my other dolls. These dolls were dolls I played with all the time.

Sometimes, when I get lonely, I play with my dolls. I played house and such with them, like normal kids would.

When I met the Lightning, I thought he was a friend. Just a regular friend that would play with me! Well, how much I wish it was wrong, oh well. It's happened, and like my mother always told me, what's done is finished and you can't change it.

He had a scar on his face and arm that looked like lightning, and sometimes he would mess around. One time, he pulled out a small knife and traced the scars. Blood started leaking out of the scars, and I ran to get bandages. When I came back, there was a small doll that looked like him.

I played with that doll every day after that happened, and as I grew older, I eventually started to separate from my old friend. You know what your thinking, standard thing, cliche, stupid, I'm going to leave this story now. Well, go ahead. Leave. But if you want to know more, stay and listen.

I left my doll alone with my others, in my place on my dresser. I started to ignore it. I forgot about it. I made new friends, same old, same old. Yeah, it happens, I know, stupid story.

One day, one of my besties, Ariana, came over and stayed the night. We messed around, and I got my old dolls out.

She took one look at my old the Lightning doll, and she screamed. She ran away as fast as she could, not taking anything. I was confused. Why would she just run off like that? What is she so frightened of? What's wrong?

I pick up the Lightning and I faced him toward me. I got up and shut the door after a few minutes, and then I plopped down on my bed and looked at the doll again.

When I looked at the clock, it was almost midnight. Weird, right? Yes, I know. This is lame. You've already told me that! Well, stop telling me that! Anyway, when I looked at the clock, I was shocked. How could it have gotten so late? If it wasn't Friday, my mom would have made me go to bed by now.

My mom...

I walked downstairs and I saw a horrific sight in my living room. Somehow, I still had my doll. I put my hands on my mouth and my eyes bugged out. I started gasping for air.

My mom and Ariana was stuck on the side of the wall. Everywhere, there was blood. But there was lightning marks where blood was clear. The blood literally made the outline of a lightning bolt! I dropped to my knees and hugged myself, whispering words to myself. Not once did it go through my mind to call the police.

My mom's mouth was set in a scream, and Ariana's eyes were widened in horror. I looked down at my doll, then back at them. Lightning marks were carved into their arms and cheek, where they were on the doll. I suddenly remember my old friend, the Lightning.

I look down at the doll in my hands. "Did you do this to them?" I whisper. Of course, it doesn't answer. Why would it? I mean, it's only a doll. It's not real.

I throw the doll across the room and it hit the wall and landed in a puddle of blood with a thud, like it was a real person.

After a few seconds, it stood it. It stood up! It got up and it grew, and grew, and grew into a person. The Lightning. My oldest friend.

"Is that any way to treat an old friend?" he says, pouting. He walked toward me, but his footsteps don't make any sound - in fact, they don't hit the floor! I watch in horror as he picks up a knife and traced his lightning mark on his arm. "I thought we were much closer than that!"

"W-What did you do to my parents?" I ask, my lip quivering.

"I only did what needed to be done for us to be together," he says. He steps toward me and holds his arms out. "Come on, little Thunder - let's go. Your place is with me."

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

"Why do you think I played with you for so long? Just come with me, and we can play forever," he says.

"But I'm not a little kid anymore," I say. I twirl my brown hair around my finger. "I don't play a lot anymore."

"Come on, Thunder, let's go," says Lightning.

"But..." I say, looking at my mother and friend. "You killed them..."

His smile slips. He sighs. "I thought I could tell you this later, but I didn't kill them. You did." He points at the lightning marks. "I don't do those."

I look down at my hands. There was nothing on them. So how was I supposed to have killed them?

I inch away from Lightning, and I end up next to my mother. I brush against her arm, and she cries out in pain.

Wait, she's alive?!

"Mama?" I ask quietly, turning to her. "Mama, you okay?"

She looks at me, and instantly, her pain turns into hate and fury. "Why did you kill me, you little monster?" she spits out. "You've killed your friend. Why did you kill me?!"

"Mama..." I say, backing away. "Mama, I didn't do it..."

"Just get away, you monster," she says. She turns her head away from me. "I don't want to see you in my house or I'll call the police."

I wouldn't have believed her, not at all, if it wasn't her tone... It was true. She hated me. She wanted me to go away. She didn't love me anymore.

I was always a mama's girl, I would always go to her first. So losing her, especially when my father was gone, and my BFF, shook me to my core.

I felt my heart break. the shards falling and cutting me on the way down, tearing at me. I hear a voice in my head.

Kill her... She's causing this pain... Kill her and it'll ease... it whispers in my ear. Kill anyone who causes you pain.

I take hold of a knife, and on impulse, I stab it downwards into her heart.

And as her life fades, so does the last of my sanity that I kept when she pushed me away.

Save others from the pain of a broken heart, whispers the voice. Save them from your pain.

I look up and meet the eyes of Lightning. He holds out his hand wordlessly and I take it. We walk outside, hand in hand, and two pegasi are waiting outside, neighing and rearing their heads. One is black, and the other is white.

Lightning puts me on the black, and he climbs onto the white.

"You can name them, my dear," he whispers to me. "Name them whatever you want."

A tear slips out of my eye as I look back at the house. I turn back away, and I look at the pegasi. I smile.

"Stormcloud, and Lightning Bolt," I say. "Now let's go. I want to save others from pain."

Lightning glances out of the corner of his eyes and smiles. "Let us go and save them," he agrees.

I flip the reigns, and we fly off. Whenever you see a cloud, and you have a broken heart, I will always be in the cloud, looking for the broken hearted, to save them from their pain...

"Let go of your pain, and save yourself."

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