Creepypasta Phone Call

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Operator: Hello? What's your emergency?

Girl: *sniff* T-There's someone in the woods.

Operator: There are a lot of people in the woods, can you tell me who it is, specifically?

Girl: He's tall, real tall

Operator: Okay

Girl: A-And he's pale, like... like a ghost

Operator: Okay...

Girl: And he wears a black suit

Operator: A suit? What kind of suit?

Girl: Like a business suit. He has a red tie, and he's looking at me

Operator: Okay... are you at a window?

Girl: Yes. He's staring at me.

Operator: Where is the window?

Girl: In the attic. *sniffling* I'm scared

Operator: Okay... can you go to the bathroom?

Girl: But the bathroom's downstairs. I don't wanna go downstairs

Operator: Why?

Girl: Because there's two men downstairs

Operator: Okay... what's your address?

Girl: **** ********* ************

Operator: Okay... What do these men look like?

Girl: Well... one was following me on my way home. He had on a white mask. He scared me, and I ran and locked the door.

Operator: Okay... the police are on the way. What does the other man look like?

Girl: Well... he had on a hoodie. He was in my room when I woke up. I'm scared

Operator: It's alright, sweetie. Where are your parents?

Girl: Their sleeping

Operator: Did you wake them up?

Girl: I screamed and screamed, and they didn't wake up

Operator: Okay... are they heavy sleepers?

Girl: No... they wake up when I cry. I think the masked man put them to sleep

Operator: Okay... what is the tall man doing?

*shuffling* *blinds open*

Girl: He's in the back yard... he's looking at me. He doesn't have a face

Operator: Okay... okay, do you know where the two men are?

Girl: Their downstairs *sniff* I'm afraid

Operator: Your going to be just fine

Girl: The tall man's gone.

Operator: Okay... he probably left. Can you hear the sirens?

Girl: No...

Operator: They should have been there...

Girl: I'm scared...

Operator: Don't be, everything's going to be fine


Girl: *screaming* Go away! Go away! *sobbing*

Operator: What is it? Talk to me, sweetie. Tell me what's happening

Girl: The masked man is trying to open the door... He wants to be my friend

Operator: Did you lock the door?

Girl: Uh-huh. I was so scared, I put the bar on, too.

Operator: Good... don't open the door

Girl: I'm so scared... please, are the police coming?

Operator: They should be there by now. I'm sending another dispatch group

Girl: Okay...

*more banging* *cracking noises*

Girl: Go away! Go away!

Operator: Can you hide anywhere?

Girl: Uh-uh

*slight whispering of a male voice*

Girl: The masked man says that he just wants to be my friend. I'm scared

Operator: Don't open the door. The police are 

Girl: No! No! No!

Operator: What is it?

Girl: Go away!

Operator: Sweetie, tell me what's happening

Girl: ...

Operator: Are you okay?

Girl: ...

Operator: God dammit...

Unidentified male voice: She's okay. She's fine.

Operator: Who are you?

Male: No one. She's mine. I suppose Karen will be too *hangs up*

Operator: Hello? Hello? Oh god... I've got to go, I've got to check on Karen!

Neither the girl, the operator, or the operator's daughter was seen again. The girl's family, and the first dispatch group was found butchered and black ooze around them.

That was so horrible...

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