The Midnight Star

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Okay, everyone this is a story based on my CP that I have running around in my head. I hope you enjoy. :) BTW, when you read this, please note that there are no dates. That's not a typo.

Recorder starts.

Hi. Recently I've been haunted by a particular... ghost, I guess. It's been going on for awhile.

Ever since my fifteenth birthday, and I got that creepy note on my bed, I've always felt... watched. Not that feeling like, oh, something's watching me from behind that corner, it's my dad. No. It's more of the feeling of dread, like when something bad's going to happen, but you can't stop it.

Okay, before I go on, I should read this note to you.

Oh Midnight Star, oh Midnight Star,

Oh how you shine so bloody.

Way up there, just behind the moon,

Going on your path of freedom.

You shine like a star, but your glow is red,

And yet you shine brighter than others,

Midnight Star, Midnight Star,

This poem is about me.

Get ready my little child.

It's coming time that you are ripe and bloody.

I don't know about you guys, but I have been seeing, at the stroke of midnight, a... red star behind the moon. I don't know if this is read, or even natural, but it's very creepy for me. Combined with the poem, and this is just... unnatural.

I have to go, I have to sleep. I'll update soon.

<Typed paper>

Okay, whoever is reading this, I haven't been back in my house for two days straight. I got another poem, and it says,

Little child in the dark,

I know your there,

Stop hiding here.

I know that your here,

And your time is coming to an end.

I don't know about you people, but after I got that, I hightailed it out of there! And you guys may not know, but I live in an apartment, on the fourth floor. So I left and went to a friend's house.

After a few days, and nothing happening, I went back to my home.

That night, as I went to bed, a... voice, I think, it was kind of soft, like music, said, "Can you see the Midnight Star?"

Immediately I had jumped up, and when I looked around, nothing. No, there was something. Some moonlight came out of my window and was on my chair. The middle of the seat.

Exactly the middle.

Being me, of course, I freaked out and ran, grabbing my purse on the way. I immediately ran to the restraunt across the street and sat down, ordering some hot chocolate, which I liked. They knew me so they made it just like I liked it, because I would often come here after my fifteenth birthday and every shift knew me.

After I had finished my hot chocolate, I looked up and saw... her.

She had silver hair that sort of glowed, letting me see her. Her face is ghostly pale, and it looked like she had wings, but they were made of light... and not just any light, but starlight, like they were literally stars. She wore a long black dress that looked fancy. And her eyes... her eyes were black, soulless. They stared back at me, and I couldn't look away.

Heh, I get it. You think I'm lying, right? Well, no. Oh, how I wish that I could think like that! But, no. No no no no no NO NO NO NO! I just... I just can't think like that!

She was in the darkest corner, just staring at me. When I finally looked away, I ran out of the restraunt and just ran down the street.

Miraculously, I somehow ended up at my friend's house. I'm typing this on my friend's computer and sending it onto my phone. I just... I just feel like something is happening, something that I can't explain until I get to the end. A bad feeling, like dread, or fear, you know?

Anyway, so I hope that this is one of the last papers or recordings I make. I really, really hope it is.

<Video starts up where the camera is in the corner of a pink room with only one door>

A woman walks in front of the camera. "My name is Elena. You've listened to my recording and read my paper, right?" she asks. She glances around nervously. "It's gotten worse. The papers appear everywhere now - on my bed, in my pockets, on the window, at my friends places... I can't take it!"

A soft light, becoming brighter, appears behind the woman. It turns into a woman that looks like the one Elena had described in her typed page.

"You can't escape," says the woman, and then she disappears as Elena turns around.

"Where are you?" says Elena frantically, turning to look everywhere. "Stop this! If your going to kill me, kill me!"

"If you want to, wish upon the Midnight Star," says the woman, again standing behind Elena.

Elena turned around and immediately backed away. "Just kill me if your going to," she begs.

"You have to wish on the Midnight Star," says the woman, pointing at the window.

Where there was once clouds blocking the moon, there is nothing. And slightly peeking around the moon is a star, but instead of a regular star, this one is red. It almost looks like it was... winking.

"I-I wish upon the Midnight Star that if your going to kill me to already do it," says Elena, slightly stuttering.

The woman smiles a wide smile, showing a large grin filled with razor sharp teeth. "When you wish upon a star, be careful what you wish for," she says, and then she launches herself at Elena.

Elena goes down with a cry, and the woman starts to claw at her, ripping her flesh. A slightly squish sound as the woman opens her mouth and bites down on Elena's shoulder.

Elena cries out and starts to cry. "S-Stop," she begs, trying to move.

The woman ignores Elena and she stabs her hand into Elena's chest, tugging something out. A organ.

"Someone needs these, and you don't now, do you?" asks the woman, almost sweetly.

"Please," says Elena. The woman continues to ignore Elena, pulling out another organ.

"I'm almost finished little girl, don't you fade on me," croons the woman, pulling out one more organ before shifting back.

Elena's eyes widen in relief, but her eyes widen in fear when the woman grabs another organ - this time her heart.

"Oh dear, you need to have something to wish upon," says the woman, and then she kneels forward to Elena's ear. "Wish upon the Midnight Star." Then she yanks out the heart.

Elena thrashes for a few seconds before going still.

The woman turns and looks at the camera, moving closer until her entire face fills the screen. "Wish upon the Midnight Star," she whispers loudly before disappearing in a flash of red light.

The screen stays the same for about ten seconds before the screen goes static, and the video cuts out.

<Video end>

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