The Celebi

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I used to play Pokemon, back before I got... It.

I was playing Pokemon like I always do, and I walked through the forest. I was doing a special event, to get a Celebi.

So, I walked through the forest, and I realized that there was no music, no pokemon cries, nothing. I brushed it off and continued.

Eventually, I got into a battle, and it turned out to be a Celebi, but it was... different.

Instead of being green and pink with blue eyes, it was red with black eyes. Sometimes it softly pulsed with red light. I thought it was just a glitch, and I caught it. I immediately flew back to a pokemon center, and I took out my Celebi. I saw it was level 100 instead of 20. I put it in my team and stuck an exp share on the rest of my pokemon.

I went out, and a text box appeared. "Celebi wants to bring you somewhere! Would you like to follow?" Yes/No. Confused, but thinking that it was part of the event, I clicked yes.

Celebi flashed across the screen, like I was using fly, and I flew to the forest. I tried to interact with something, but it would only say, "There is no sound or movement in the forest."

Thinking this was strange, I opened my menu, but it only had my pokemon and trainer info. Curious, I looked at my info. Everything was the same, except for the fact that my character had something behind it. I closed my info and I opened my pokemon. All of my pokemon had been replaced by Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Treeco, and two unknown, along with the Celebi. All of them are level 100.

Are a few seconds, my Celebi popped out in front of me. A text box appeared: "Celebi wants to lead you! WIll you follow her?" Yes/No. I clicked yes, curious.

Celebi leads me farther into the forest, and that's when I notice that there was no sound coming out of my speakers. There was something faint, actually. A faint little song.

The song grated on my nerves, because it sounded like a voice, but I couldn't hear it too well. I strained, but I just couldn't hear it.

I let Celebi lead me farther, and she just stopped. She turned around and looked at me.

Another text box appeared. "Celebi wants to know if you love her." Yes/No. By this time I was a little creeped out because the song was growing louder. It was grating on my nerves, because I STILL couldn't hear the voice! Just the creepy music.

I clicked yes, and the text box changed to, "Celebi knows you are lying."

Freaked out, I pressed my power off button, but it didn't work. I pressed it at least twenty times, but it still didn't work.

Celebi flies up and flies around me, and I pressed a button. Finding out I can move, I clicked my menu button and pressed my info, trying to get rid of that music. But it didn't go away!

Something was wrong with my badges. They were replaced with Celebi heads. All of them my Celebi.

I exited the info and walked around a little, but I couldn't get much farther than tree line. I went up, down, sideways, but text would appear saying, "Celebi doesn't want you to go."

Getting really creeped out, I threw my DS against the wall, but it didn't turn off or break, so I picked it up.

I sigh and pick it back up. The forest had changed to my room, back home. Puzzled, I walked around my room and interacted with everything. It's all normal.

I went into my pokemon and I had no pokemon. At all. Just empy slots. But when I went to my trainer info, it said I had every badge, and everything looked normal. What happened?

I walk downstairs, and my mom tells me, "Celebi wants to play with you." Yes/No.

Immediately I had a bad feeling about this, and I clicked No. But a text box saying, "Celebi wants to play! Please?" appeared, with Yes/No. I clicked No again, and the text quickly changed to, "Celebi wants you to play with her. Play with her NOW." Yes/No.

I got a bad feeling, because this obviously wasn't what Pokemon was supposed to be like. It was programmed to be kid friendly. What happened? Had I accidentally caught a hacked pokemon? I click Yes.

I walk outside and Celebi runs around me, then stops in front of me. Her legs were blue now. "Celebi wants to know if you love her." Yes/No.

"What the f*ck?" I say. "Why do you want to know that? Your a computer program! This isn't supposed to be happening!"

The text box disappeared, then comes back. "Celebi is angry."

"What the actual f*ck?" I say. "It's like you can hear me..."

Then, to my horror, the music gets loud enough that I can hear a voice repeating, over and over, "The Celebi is coming, run, the Celebi is coming, run."

"Holy sh*t," I say, dropping my DS. It just bounces on the floor and continues playing. "It's just a hack, it's just a hack," I say to myself. I pick up my DS and eject my cartridge, but the game didn't shut off.

"Why don't you like me?" A text box appears saying that.

"Oh my god," I say, dropping my DS again.

The music changes, and the words change with it. "Why don't you like me? I'm your friend. Why don't you like me? I'm your friend." Just repeating, over and over, in a small, chiming voice. Like Celebi's.

You probably wouldn't be disturbed by this, but I was very disturbed by it. That's what I would say when a friend ditched me for someone else. But... why would a hacker put that in?

Another text box appears. "Can I come over? I just want to be friends." Yes/No.

Insanely creeped out and disturbed by this, I clicked No, then braced myself.

The game freezes, and then a text box in the middle appears, saying, "Wrong answer. I'm here." Then it shuts off as I hear little wing beats by me.

I put my DS down and turn and look at the Celebi floating in front of me. It was different shades of blue, like it was cold.

"W-W-W" I manage to say before I stop.

"Why don't you want to be friends?" the Celebi asked me.

I gulped. "B-Because... your not real?" I suggested.

The Celebi then seemed to... smile. "I have one request, then."

"W-W-What is it?" I say.

"Don't scream."

Police were called to a house out in the rural area that, apparently, was making "weird noises". When police arrived, there was no one there, just a DS with a picture on the screen. The picture has never been released to anyone, as it was "evidence" to a "crime".

This person has never been seen or heard from since. The only reason that anyone is able to know this is because I got a video from someone named "Celebi", but no return address. I saw all of this, and now I give it to you.

Don't scream. The Celebi is coming.

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