The Tapper

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<Recording starts up>

There is a tapping on my window.

When I was five, it was there.

When I was six, it kept me up.

When I was eight, it startled me awake.

When I was ten, I used music.

When I was eighteen, I used my thoughts.

The tapping, can you hear it? I can hear it. Can you? It's there, at the back of your mind. Always there, never leaving. Do you hear it now? It's getting louder. Are you scared?

What is the tapping? Take a guess, come on. Is it a rock? Is it a person? It is the tree throwing shadows across your house?

No. It's none of those. No, it's something... more.

Do you hear it? The tapping, it's back once again. Oh, it's gone. Just wait. It'll be back. Give it a day or two. It'll be back.

What is making that tapping? Go on, go open your curtains and look. Don't see anything? Good. Close the curtains and ignore the tapping. It'll get louder. It'll get stronger. It'll last longer.

The tapping, it's grating on me. I'm losing myself. Why won't it go away? Why can't I have peace?

Do you still hear it? Is it still there? Open the curtain, if you dare. Did you do it? Did you see her? Did you see who it was? If you haven't, good. If you have, then move. Now. Or do you want to die?

That was the Tapper. She taps on peoples windows. Not scary, right? Psh. Anyone can do that. Now scary at all. Well, you haven't heard anything about her. Have you? I thought you hadn't. No one has. She's a ghost to ghosts. No one can find her.

She taps on your window. You opened it this time. Leaned outside. Closed it. Wait, what was that? What is that breathing on your neck? Oh god, is someone here? Is there someone leaning on your shoulder, just waiting?

Go to bed, if you dare. Just wait. She'll be there, waiting. Just waiting for you to sleep.

Or are you too scared? Then go. Don't sleep for three days, and then you won't die.

Or did you sleep? I hope you like blood. Or you aren't afraid.

Are you still not scared? Do you feel a slight shiver down your spine? Good. That's natural.

Did you feel that? Yes, that, on your shoulder. That tap. Yes, that one. Don't look! No, really, don't! You may have caught just a glimpse of her face in the window, but you don't want to see it.

Did you look? No? Good. Yes? Your dead. I hope you die quickly.

Oh! What was that? On your wall. Yes, there, by the door. A tap! What? Think I'm lying? Don't push her patience. She'll kill you. She'll get tired after three days, but if you go to sleep before the taps stop for a full three hours, your dead. I am not joking. No matter what you think, I am not joking. I can't stress this enough. Do not go to sleep unless the taps stop for a full three hours.

Oh! There's another tap! Just on your chair! Can you feel that breathe? Can you? O god, can you feel that presence behind you? Ah! Don't look! Don't look! I am not joking around!

You looked. I know you did. It's in human nature. You didn't see her, right? Good. Otherwise you'd be dead.

Oh my god! A tap on the window! Did you hear it, too? It's coming. I know you hear it. As long as you don't sleep, you are fine. Once you sleep, however, without staying awake with the taps stopping, you are dead. It doesn't matter. On the pavement, in a gutter, in the school, in your home, while your around people. It will happen. You are never safe.  I am truly not joking. If I was, this would long be over.

I can feel her fingers, tapping on my spine. Oh god, I can feel her. I can feel her, just like you. Oh my god, I am terrified. I can not express how scared I am. Help! Help me, please! Please, oh god, please, help me, please, please, oh my god, HELP ME, HELP ME PLEASE OH MY GOD I CAN FEEL HER, I SAW HER FACE, IT'S- <A squish sound, followed by dripping for five seconds>

<Silence for fourty seconds>

Hello people, I am the Tapper. I'll come tapping. Do you want me to come in? Come children, come and let me tap on your window...

<Silence, and then a tapping on several objects> <Window opens with a creak, and something slips out, window thuds shut>

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