Life and Death

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One day, two people were sitting besides a pond. One was dressed in green and white, and the other blue and black.

The one dressed in green and white turned toward the other and said, "Death, why do they appreciate me but not you?"

Death tapped against the side of the white marble around the pond. "Because, Life, they are afraid and do not understand," they say.

"What do they not understand?" asks Life.

"They are afraid of me because I am cunning, subtle and swift," says Death. "What they think is that Life is the caring one, but the opposite is true. Life is hard, unforgiving, and if you make a simply mistake, they get pushed away. While I am the one who takes them gently and forever, allowing them release from the hard and uncaring world. I care for them forever after they die, and they are scared of me because they don't know anything about me."

Life is silent for a while. "How am I the uncaring one?"

Death laughs. "Because while you do give people warmth and life, you also give people cold and suffering. I give them release and unending contentment, and when their loved ones come, they are all together, forever. No matter what."

And with that, the two turned back to the pond and watched over their separate kingdoms.

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