●♡We Saved The Universe. But Did We Save Him?♡●

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Lance's P.O.V.

Oh my lord. I can hardly believe it. We all just defeated Zarkon. We've defeated the galra empire.

I laughed in disbelief, "Guy. Can you believe it! We just kicked Zarkon's butt!" I swung my arms up in triumph.

The others were still processing what happened. Pidge smile grew wide and she started jumping up and down. "Yeah!! Guys we did it!" At that everyone started yelling in victory.

I smiled happily and watched them all celebrate quietly. Of course no one congratulated me. So I stood silently in the corner of what used to be Zarkon's control room.

I finally don't have to be here anymore. Does this mean I can go home?


I stood silently in my room in the castle. The only sound I heard were the cheers and clinks of glass that emitted from the party that was happening down the hall.

I locked my door swiftly and moved my way to my desk.

The top draw had a lock. I took the key out of my pocket and stuck it in the keyhole, turning it. It made a satisfying click.

I swung open the draw to see all of my knives sprawled out randomly inside of it. I picked up the polished blade I came upon in the garrison.

I examined it, my reflection rippled in it's metal.

I slowly pulled up the sleeve of my jacket. The fabric rustling in the almost quiet room. My ears started ringing violently as I took in the image of the cuts on my arm.

There were hundreds of them. Hundreds. Each one representing a single day on the castle. I spent the past half-year of my time here, and almost forgot what my family was going through at home.

I slid my knife slowly down my dark skin. Just where my forearm meets my elbow. There are rows of them on my arm. And I realized how much being on this castle resembled being in a prison.

A tally for each day.

I wouldn't let myself cry. I've turned the faucet on too many times while I've been on this ship. And now it's time to go home and greet my family once again.


"Paladins! I have amazing news!" Allura announced to us. I stood quietly in the back of the room. Allura pulled something out of her pocket, something like a miniature remote. She clicked the button.

"You are home, paladins! Go visit your families!" Just as she yelled that the screen turned on and portrayed a picture of Earth.

Everyone was jumping up and yelling, but I instantly bolted for the hangar. No one called after me, typical.

I jumped into Blue. "We're going home girl! Set the destination for Cuba!!!" I pretended there was a navigation system.

Blue jetted into space and straight for Earth. I didn't notice the tears that slid down my hot cheeks.

Blue closed in on the sandy ground. I landed in the center of Havana, my home town. I let out a whimper of relief as I saw all of the buildings in tact.

I scurried out of Blue and took a slow stroll down the streets leading up to my home. I took in the scent, but I smelt nothing familiar in the air. I didn't smell Rosia's bread cooking in the oven, or the smell of alcoholics as they passed by you.

My heart thundered in my chest as a ball of worry formed in my stomach. I hadn't seen anyone around since I left Blue. Where is everyone?

     I started walking faster, which turned into sprinting.

    I turned down the street my house was on. I started taking a closer look at the houses as I passed by. Sure, they were in tact.

    But every window...
       Every door...

   Was utterly boarded up.

  But why? Why would they board up the houses?

   I stopped mid run. And slowly turned to my left. My breath hitching in my throat, pulse booming in my ears.

    My home. Was ransacked.

   The front door was ripped off it's hinges, I could peek inside from where I was standing, and the furniture was everywhere.

I slowly walked up to my house, the floorboards creaked as I stepped onto the deck.

My hands shook horribly as I pushed debris out of the way to get inside. "H-Hola? Hay alguien ahí?" Nails and wood crunched under me as I made my way through the house.

No one was downstairs, and the shoes were gone. I made my way up the stairs. Careful not to step on a board of wood the wasnt connected.

I walked to my room, I hesitantly opened the door. When I fully got a look inside, I almost fell to my knees.

Everything was exactly the same.

But where was my family.

I pulled out the phone that Pidge gave me and started dialing 911. The only number I could think of.

"Hello, this is Cuban's Police Dept. What is the emergency?" My hands shook rapidly as I held the phone up to my ear.

    "T-There's no emergency." I said. The lady on the other line huffed in annoyance, "Sorry, Sir. But if there is no emergency I am going to hang up."

     "No no no! Wait! D-Do you know what happened to Havana? More specifically the McLain house." My voice wavered as I spoke into the phone.

    "You mean you don't know?" The lady said, "The gang that calls themselves the 'Red Scarves' ransacked the entire town. Thousands were killed." She said.

    "Can you tell me if anyone from the McLain family was—was killed?" My voice shook. "Are you part of the McLain family? I used to know them personally." She said sadly into the phone.

"Y-Yes. I'm Lance McLain." I said absentmindedly. "I'm sorry to tell you this Lance. But your family was killed during the attack. My true condolences."

I dropped the phone.

An Earth shattering scream emitted from me as I dropped to my knees.

Never again. I said before. But now it's happened again.



BUM BUM BUUUUM if yall want a part two just comment down below! Also thank you all so much for the 850+ reads!!!

Total Word Count: 1074

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