▼□ Overgrown 1/2 □▼

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"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."


    Lance puked, thorns scraping against his throat like sandpaper. He tried to swallow down the urge to hurl the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

     He choked out more petals, their colors as bright as his dreadfully missed blue sky. Lance coughed and still gagged, sitting in front of the toilet longer just incase he threw up again. But all that came was dry heaved air.

      He finally mustered up the strength to get to his feet, though still light headed. The sink was a support for him as he limped out of the bathroom and over to his bed on the other side of the room.

     Lance collapsed onto the soft sheets with his limbs spread-eagle. Lifting his hands he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Bloody hell. I don't even know who I'm in love with." The blue paladin hissed with frustration, flipping himself onto his stomach.

     "I don't know if I can handle this any longer," Lance's voice was quiet and gruff, reason being his throat was torn into shreds.

      "Lance, Shiro's called us to the training room!" Pidge's voice echoed through his bedroom door. Lance slid off the bed and onto his feet.

     He forced a smile onto his face to try and make himself sound cheery. "Thanks, Pidgeon!"

      Lance's body was heavy and his heart thrummed in his throat, but he still trudged over to his wardrobe. Since Lance's clothes were ripped from thorns and petals stuck to him, he changed into a clean pair of pants and a blue shirt.

He made sure to wash his face and brush his hair before heading to the training deck.

      On the way, he bumped into Hunk.

     "Hey buddy, how you doing?" Lance asked as he fell into step beside his best friend. Hunk smiled at him and lifted his fist.

     "I'm great! Pidge and I were able to turn on of the gaming systems in the castle into Nintendo!" he chirped. Lance smiled back and bumped his fist with Hunk's.

They arrived at the training deck last, but not late. Keith and Shiro were the only ones ready, and Lance and Hunk had to wait until Pidge was done changing.

When she came out they went in to change into their armor.

"You look pale, Lance. Are you feeling alright?" Shiro asked as him and Hunk stepped out of the locker room.

Lance plastered a grin on his face, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Yup!" he responded cheerily. Shiro looked at him for a few moments longer before turning to everyone else.

       "Today we have a simple task," Shiro started, projecting his voice. "Everyone buddy up, you will be switching minds for the remainder of the training session."

"What?" Lance said quietly, cocking an eyebrow. He went to grab Hunk, but he was already with Pidge. Which left Keith.

Keith gave Lance a look of hatred, walking over to him. "Looks like we're stuck together," he groaned.

"Don't point it out," Lance hissed back, but a small part of him was happy to be partnered with him. But his blind hatred suffocated the feeling.

"Why aren't you participating, Shiro?" Pidge asked, lifting her hand.

"I wouldn't have anyone to partner with. Besides, I need to monitor you all," he responded without a second thought.

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