ψ• Waltzing With the Devil 1/2 •ψ

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  lance plays his cards a little too carelessly.




3rd P.O.V.

      The deep scent of ash burned in my senses, eyes blinded by the shifting light. Scorching heat slid across my skin and made it almost unbearable to move closer.

A roaring fire soared so high it brushed the clouds. Flames spread across the dead grass like oil and water.

        Screams echoed throughout the fields, town already enveloped in the fires.

"We have to get them out of there!" I shouted at Keith as we both sprinted towards the town.

"There's no way we can Lance! We just have to wait until Allura gets here with blue!" Keith yelled back, skidding to a stop at the fire line.

       People were scurrying out of the town, some of them set ablaze. It smelt of burnt flesh and ash, making bile rise in my throat.

       "I'm not going to just sit here while people are inside!" I slipped off my helmet and tossed it to Keith, who caught it at the last second.

        "There's no way you're going in there! You'll be burned alive!" Keith shouted and threw my helmet at the ground.

He wasn't wrong. Standing only ten feet away from the fire I felt as though I'd melt right here.

        "I know..." I responded quietly as my mood dropped. After a seconds pause, I started slipping off my chest piece. The less weight I have on me the easier it will be to maneuver around.

        Without warning, I sprinted into the town leaving Keith behind. Within seconds my lungs were already rejecting the black smoke.

Keith shouted from behind me, but I ventured on anyways.

"Is there anyone in here?!" I yelled into a house as I stepping inside, covering my mouth with my sleeve.

When I didn't hear a response I turned around, but stopped when I heard a cough.

"Hello?" Going back into the house I kept calling out to whoever was inside. Panic rose in me as the ceilings started cracking and bits of wood fell on me.

"We're in here!!" a voice screamed from down the hall. I moved as quickly as I could through the fire and found a mother and her son crouching under the kitchen table.

        When they saw me the mother picked up her young son and got out from under the table. "Come with me! Voltron is here to help you! A paladin is waiting for you at the fire line!"

She smiled through the tears and ran up to me, not even a second later the roof caved in and crushed the table.

I shielded her with my arm and led her out of the house to safety.

For the next hour, I ran to at least a dozen different buildings. Some having people in it, some not.

"Head to the northern edge of town! There's a paladin of Voltron waiting for you there!" I yelled to the people I had helped and gone into another building.

          This entire damn thing wouldn't have happened if I hadn't messed up. We were fighting the galra in space, but I had led them down here while fleeing and one of them crashed. It then exploded and set the planet ablaze.

         I'm such a god damn idiot. I've messed up so many missions that I've lost count. If I wasn't so careless and actually tried this shit would've never happened.

         I shouldn't even be here, I'd be better of dead. The words rang in my head and I grit my teeth.

         My body hurt so much, getting so close to the flames was horrible. The alien species that lived here weren't as sensitive as humans so they were mostly fine.

         With every breath came a cough and it started a cycle. The closer I got to the center of town, the closer I got to the crashed galra ship. Trudging in the opposite direction as the people who fled past me.

"Wait! Lance!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump out of my skin. Turning around I was faced with a panting Keith.

        "Glad you decided to join me." I coughed between words, the air getting thicker and thicker.

        "You need to get out of here. I can hardly breathe," Keith said while tugging on my shoulder. "And I'm wearing a helmet."

The sternness in his voice made me consider going back, but a scream in the distance made me shake off his grip.

"I'm fine!" I started to run towards the center again, only this time Keith followed me.

"And wearing that helmet will trap all of the black smoke. Take it off," I said as Keith ran next to me. Though he still kept his helmet on.

My eyes burned and I squinted to try to reduce the pain. Keith was 100% right, but it was me who fucked up this mission. And I wasn't about to just leave my mess for someone else to clean up.

        "Ah!" I tripped over my own feet and crashed into the ground. It knocked the wind out of me.

        When I tried to breathe in a sharp and strained pain erupted in my chest. Slowly, I pushed myself up onto my elbows.

         I saw someone's knees in my vision and I looked up to see Keith kneeling in front of me. There was a frustrated look on his face, but I could see a hint of worry.

        "This is why we should go back!" Keith grabbed me from under my arms and threw me over his shoulder.

        "What the hell! Put me down, Keith!" I banged on his back, but the strength in my arms were so weak that I doubt it hurt.

His shoulder was poking me in my abdomen, and all of the blood rushed to my head.

I suddenly bursted into another coughing fit, this time my body started shaking. It got bad enough that tears brimmed my eyes.

Black smoke came out of my mouth with each cough, and I wouldn't doubt my entire face was covered in it. I definitely had black lungs.

I covered my mouth to try and filter my air just a little bit. But in the end it wouldn't help. Moving my hand away from my mouth, my entire palm was pitch black. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed my limits.

And now I was suffocating.

       "K-Keith, stop." I choked, pushing on his shoulder. We skid to a stop and he slid me to the ground.

       "What's wrong—." Before he could finished I had already collapsed on the ground, this time not being able to get back up.

        My hand was firmly on my throat, squeezing it in pain. "Shit shit shit," I cursed under my breath, laying on my side.

"Come on, we gotta get you outta here!" Keith picked me up again.

And then I blacked out.



shitty chapter because its 5am and i havent slept.

comment for part two

Total Word Count: 1161

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