▼□ Overgrown 2/2 □▼

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  wow it ssummer and i just pulled anoth r all nighter. s omeonw kill em.

🔵I'm changing Hanahaki slightly! If the person does not recieve love and affection from the one they love they get it. and if they think they dont love them back. 🔵


Lance's body moved unevenly. Switching back to his normal self should've made it easier to move, but since he's been in Keith's body for the past few hours it felt uncomfortable.

He didn't look back, even as he heard the clicks of Keith's boots against the castle floors. Lance's face burned with embarrassment. It also didn't help that he needed to empty the contents of his stomach out.

        "Lance wait! I didn't mean—." Keith started yelling after Lance, making a turn around a corner.

        "Please just leave me alone!" Lance's room came into view. He stopped running and slammed into his room, locking the door behind him.

        Lance instantly ran into his bathroom, gripping the sides of the toilet seat as he hurled out flowers. When Keith was in his body, he used it differently and pushed his limits without noticing. Lance's body isn't healthy, and when someone like Keith, a fit person, controls it, it gets weak.

         "Lance, are you okay?" Keith's voice was heard over Lance's heaving. The toilet was full of blue petals and blood from the thorns scraping against his throat.

         Keith tried unlocking the door by hitting the key-pad, but it didn't work.

         Lance cursed as he took deep breaths, feeling the hint of a gag at the back of his throat. He reached up and flushed the toilet, spitting out the remaining blood in his mouth.

        He pushed himself up from the bathroom floor and leaned against the wall. Lance's head felt light and his pulse thrummed on his temple.

      "Lance?" Keith's soft voice echoed throughout his bedroom. Lance pushed off the wall and gathered up the courage to let Keith in.

       He felt tears well up in his eyes as he unlocked the bedroom and opened it.

        Keith was standing there with his brows raised in worry. The second the door was open all of the way Keith pushed inside and engulfed Lance in a hug.

Keith's head was nuzzled into Lance's chest, the height difference obvious. Lance didn't know what to do with his hands, so he just left them limp at his sides.

"You're going to explain everything." Keith whispered, making Lance tense up.

"Do I have to?" Lance responded quietly, melting into Keith's warm embrace. Keith pulled away but kept his hands on Lance's shoulders.

"I would appreciate if you did," Keith let his hands fall to his sides. They both moved more into the room and shut the door.

       Lance kept standing as he watched Keith sit on his bed, the sheets sinking under his weight.

"I-I have something called Hanahaki Desease, where when I l-love someone who I think doesn't love me back I get extremely... sick." Lance explained, his voice trailing off as he continued.

He groaned in frustration and plopped down next to Keith, his face flushed red. And Keith, oh lord Keith, he just sat there staring at him with half hope and half complete horror.

The only thought running through his mind was "Who does Lance love?" And he soon got an unwanted answer.

"I have absolutely no idea who I like." Lance's eyes started to burn and he tried blinking the tears away. "I've been suffering this entire time when I don't even know the source."

       Keith hesitated to put his hand on Lance's shoulder, but he did anyways. "It's going to be fine, Lance. I promise," Lance smiled weakly, turning to look Keith in the eye.

       When Lance didn't say anything as a response, Keith asked the question he was most curious about. "When did this start?"

       Lance leaned forward with his elbows resting on the curve of his knee. "I... I guess when I started the garrison." Lance was starting to put the pieces together. He was remembering the times his stomach would rip itself apart when he spoke to a certain someone. And for some reason, right now the weight on his chest was gone.

      "Hey, Keith." he asked, leaning back and turning to look at Keith.

     "Y-Yeah?"  Keith's shoulders tensed as he stared back at Lance, his piercing blue eyes stripping him down.

      Lance's face seemed soft yet strained, like he was thinking long and hard about something. And Keith was trying his best to not let his eyes stray to Lance's lips.

     "Do you..." A cocky smile grew on the corner of his mouth, "Do you like me, Keith?"

     Keith stuttered and shifted back on the bed, his mouth opening and closing to think of what to say. Lance had put the pieces together and figured out who he liked, he wasn't surprised, to be honest. He always felt horrible and yet relieved around Keith. But now that he figured it out, he could tease Keith for it if he liked him back. But on the inside he was 100% freaking out.

         Lance turned around on the edge of the bed and crawled slowly over to Keith, not breaking eye contact. When Keith was fully pushed against the wall and couldn't move back anymore, Lance advanced on him.

       He moved so close that Keith's hair brushed his forehead. "You do, don't you?" Lance couldn't help but smile. Everything went really fast. Lance should be holding a grudge or even be slightly mad. Keith was the reason that he had suffered so much pain. Nights and nights of throwing up flowers and thorns, causing him to spend days in the hospital.

      But he couldn't be mad at him. There was no way he could. Because he loved Keith,and he had only just realized it.

      "I-I... I do like you," Keith whispered, breaking eye contact out of embarrassment and looking over Lance's shoulder.

      "Huh?" Lance dragged it out, leaning closer to Keith in a teasing manner.

      Keith looked back at Lance as his face flushed a deep red. "I've been in love with you since the garrison! I'm in love with you, Lance Mclain..." he was panting when he finished, looking at Lance nervously to see what his reaction would be.

      Lance leaned forward and locked his lips with Keith's.

      Keith sat there for a second before closing his eyes and leaning into the kiss. His thoughts stopped and all he could feel was the warmth that radiated off of Lance's lips.

      Lance leaned onto him and lifted his hand to cup Keith's cheek. Their bodies were pressed together with Keith's arms wrapped around his waist and Lance's around Keith's neck.

       The kiss lasted long, the passion growing as the time passed. But alas they had to pull back for air. Lance moved back and opened his eyes, panting slightly.

        A grin erupted onto Keith's face, and Lance couldn't help but smile back. "I love you too, Keith." Lance leaned forward and pecked his lips again.

       Keith reached up and pushed Lance's hair back, admiring the beautiful features that adorned his face. "Will you go out with me, Lance?" Keith asked lightly, stroking his thumb gently over Lance's cheek.

      "Always one upping me, even now." Lance said, but giggled right after.

       He leaned forward and kissed Keith passionately, pushing into him before pulling away slowly. His eyelashes grazed Keith's brow bone. "So, is that a yes?" Keith chuckled, the deep noise rattling Lance's chest.

      "Yes, I'll go out with you, Mullet." Lance smiled and leaned in for another kiss.


Comment for an additional smut

this wasnt much of a langst but like, a little bit of langst and a lot of k l a n c e.

Total Word Count: 1302

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