҂-̀The Insanity of a Warrior 2/2-́҂

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Lance's P.O.V.

My mind was dark, or at least I thought I was in my mind. When I looked up, small, twinkling stars littered the area around me.

     "Can't wait to get out of here." I whispered to myself. I looked around, when I turned to peek over my shoulder, a saw a large screen.

     I raised my brow in curiosity as I walked towards it. It looked like the old 90s tv my papa would watch with me. We'd spend our entire weekend watching soap operas.

     The screen displayed loud and white static. I reached my hand out and touched the tv. Suddenly, I saw myself on it.

     It took me a minute to realize it was me a few days ago when I was up late training.

     "They must be seeing this then." I thought out loud. Can I even do that in here??

    There was a routine that I did. First was do any missions that we needed to, then train until my bones can't take it any more. There was a small slither in there where I would pretty-up my tan skin with red lines.

     I looked down to my arms, the longer I looked the bigger my urger got. My hands moved by themselves as I violently ripped off my bandages.

My breathing became loud and heavy as I resisted the want for that stinging sensation. My hand flexed open in close, trying to restrain from further damage.

     I grunted as I gave into myself. My fingernails dug into my rough skin as I scratched at my cuts.

      The screams of pain from the tv of memories making me want to do it harder. I screamed as I scratched both of my arms.

     The recent cuts opened and started leaking blood. I pushed down harder and started tearing skin off with my thin nails.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. The pain was like a relief. The same feeling you get when you stand for an entire day and finally get to sit. A wonderful delight.

     "nce!..." I faintly heard. "Lance! Lance!! Are you okay, buddy?!" My eyes flew open and I realized I was back on the castle.

     My ocean eyes flew everywhere assessing what was happening. When I looked down, I realized I was scratching my cuts, like I was in my mind.

     Keith was standing in front of me with raised brows. His face was scrunched up in worry. I stared wide eyed at him.

     My bright orbs slid over everyone in the room and saw that everyone had tears besides Shiro. I slowly brought my knees up to my chest.

     I burrowed my red face into my knees. Keith grabbed my shoulders and shook them harshly. "Why the fuck would you do that to yourself?!" Keith screamed into my face.

I looked up to him and my scared expression turned to anger. I bared my teeth at him, "You wouldn't understand, mullet." I hissed through my clenched jaw.

Shiro put his hand on Keith's shoulder, "Keith—." The black paladin started, but was cut off when Keith shoved him off of him.

Keith took his hands off of me, just to swiftly cross them over his chest. He stared down at me in disappointment.

Why the hell is Keith angry at me? "Prick." I said under my breath as I jumped up from my position on the chair. I ripped the headpiece off of me. Before anyone could protest I shot myself though the door.

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