Unexpected Moments

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Unexpected things are the best. Well, maybe?

Right when things go great, something out of the box has to happen. Just like a pen without an ink or a Salman Khan's movie without shit (No offence), our love story was nothing without twist and turns. 

"Let's go to the park?" he said wrapping his arm around my neck. "Nah. I have a lot of work to do. Later sometime?" we continued roaming around laughing like crazy when suddenly my eye caught his mom and my mom together staring right at us standing on the other end of the road. 

"Oh no" My face must've looked devastated. I quickly withdrew my arm which apparently was holding him from the back.

"What?" Arjun said without looking up. I could not utter a word, I stood still right there. 

He looked at me with a puzzled look then looked in the direction my eyes were fixed. And finally uttered, "Uh-Oh...Shit" 

The two ladies approached us with a deathly stare on their faces. 

"What's up Riya?", mom asked

"Uh? Me?"

"Yes, you're Riya?"

"Mom.. I-I"


"Aunty, We were just hanging around", Arjun said in my defence. Forgetting about the fact that he might need a rescuer too. 

"Arjun, Were you 'Just' hanging around?", his mom said quite sternly. 

Both of us stood numb not knowing what to do. And looked down at the ground accepting the mistake. When suddenly we heard the sounds of laughter, looked up and found out the two women having the best laugh they've ever had. 

We still had no clue. 

"You both...You're cute and Riya, Don't worry. I'll not eat you"


"Arjun you are a great boy. And I'm happy my daughter is with you. You know what? I'm thankful to you. Thanks a lot kid." Looking at me, she said "Riya, Literally after 5 years I've seen you that happy. I had lost your smile when you came to know about your disease. I had lost you. Now that you have him, you're happy. I've got my Riya back."

His mom intervened, "And Riya, I'm so glad you're a part of my son's life. He's been a victim of miseries too. Ever since you two have been together, things have become happier. And tell me what do we parents need more?"

I'm sure Arjun would've been as much surprised as me. 

That day I realised how cool our parents are. Apparently both of our parents knew about this relationship since long but didn't tell us. Since they wanted us to be happy just the way we were. I'm happy we're on this together, and there's just no stopping us. 

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