Path of Love

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Since then there have been a lot of ups and downs and rights and wrongs. Each time we've learned something, each little fight has brought with it more love, trust and companionship. Each little spark has regained our faith in love. We've been through our happy and sad times together. We don't know what future holds for us, but we do know whatever it holds will be for 'us' together. 

Back then we didn't need any reason to fall in love, we just walked our lanes unaware of the fact that our lanes will be merged into this path of love at some point of time. People say we're too young to know about forever but we know that this path of love does not care about what people say. They'll always judge it like they know about us. 

This path is long, the journey is long. But I'm not tired yet and I'm willing to continue walking down this path with him. Even if it has a dead end, we're in this together. Not every boy loves a girl for her body and not every girl loves a boy for his money. Sometimes, we just love one for one. We just want to be with them.

Falling in love in movies is far from reality. You don't suddenly see red colour everywhere. Light winds don't start blowing out of nowhere. Balloons don't come flying right at you and you don't get showered with rose petals. Romantic tunes start to play whenever you step out? Hell no. None of this happens. 

In reality, falling in love is mysterious. Mysterious in its own way. And that is what makes it more special. 

So I end this book here. With this little text I always wanted to send you Arjun, 

@Arjun1308 You are pretty much everything why I wake up every morning. Thanks for being there with me in this Path of Love. 

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