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You wake up slowly, Ashton's arms are wrapped around your waist and your back is pulled close against his chest. After a while you decide to get up as the sunlight is starting to stream in.

Gently untangling yourself from Ashton you get up and pull on one of his t shirts which is big enough to fall midway down your thighs you make your way downstairs.

"Hey y/n" Michael greets you and you smile, "hey Mikey."

You all hang around in the kitchen until you hear Ashton coming downstairs, he greets everyone; he looks tired but he smiles pushing his hair up off his forehead.

As he turns his back to grab something Michael sniggers and Calum whispers to Luke, "no wonder he's tired." You frown and look at Ashton, your eyes widen at the sight of long scratches down his back, you grab his arm and pull him out of the kitchen, "okay thanks guys see you later!" You call before you die of embarrassment.


You turn over and Luke smiles tiredly at you, "morning baby," he whispers pressing his forehead against yours, you smile and place a quick kiss on his lips.

You start to get up and he groans "nooo, we don't have to leave yet!" He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back, you laugh now almost properly awake,

"Come on Luke it's nearly midday!" You point out and he shrugs, "so?"

Ignoring him you pull away and get up, he sighs and swings his legs out of bed, "it's a good job I love you" he mumbles.

When you reach the kitchen Calum and Mikey are arguing over something or other to do with FIFA, "hey guys" Luke says.

Michael turns to him, "YES, Luke help me out here, tell Cal- Oooh someone got lucky last night!" He says smirking

You turn away from the coffee machine and stare at Mikey suspiciously.

"If that's not Luke's sex hair then I'm the queen of England." He states proudly, Calum snorts with laughter and you roll your eyes, "luckier than you'll ever get Mikey!" You say grabbing Luke's hand and pulling him upstairs deliberately.

"Oooh a sassy one too hold onto her Lukey!" Calum calls up.

Luke blushes furiously running his spare hand through his hair, "I'm going to kill Mikey." He mutters.


"Calummm come on!" You whine, he shakes his head refusing to open his eyes, "no," he mumbles, "I'm tired."

You sigh defeatedly and get up going downstairs without him, you're greeted by the boys,

"Where's Cal?" Ashton asks leaning back against the counter, you go over to the coffee machine, "he refused to get up." You reply rolling your eyes.

"Not surprised he's tired," Mikey mutters and you turn around, "what's that supposed to mean?" You ask narrowing your eyes.

Ashton smirks looking away and Luke blushes at the ground picking at the handle of his mug, as always Mikey speaks up,

"Well you didn't exactly make a point of keeping the noise down last night." He says and your eyes widen, "oh my god."

"That's what she said." Ashton mutters with a smug look. You slap him on the back of the head blushing furiously before retreating upstairs, "you suck guys!" You yell

"Nope that would be Calum!" Mikey calls back. Oh god.


You wake up to the sound of Michael shuffling around next to you, you turn over to find him pulling on a t shirt.

He smirks when he see's you, "morning" he says and you bury your head back into the pillow, "tired?" He asks and you nod.

"Worth it?" He asks and you nod again with a laugh, once he's left the room you turn and get up rubbing your eyes adjusting slowly to the light of the bedroom.

You find Mikey in the kitchen, going over to him he puts an arm round your waist and kisses the top of your head.

Calum rolls his eyes, "didn't you get enough of each other last night?"

Ashton and Luke laugh and you blush furiously, Mikey speaks next to you, "what do you-"

Calum nods his head towards your neck and you put your hand up. Oh god, you go into the bathroom and you groan at the hickey on your neck, grabbing your big woolly scarf you go back into the kitchen wrapping it round your neck and flipping Calum off on the way past.

"Nice scarf," Ashton says smiling ironically and you frown pulling it up further, "shut up," you mumble and Michael pulls you back giving you a kiss on your forehead, "penguins" he comments, observing your scarf which is littered with cartoon penguins, "very punk rock."

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