Song: One

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Song preference: One- Ed Sheeran

This one took a while sorry for the wait. Also I've never been drunk before so I was taking a guess with the Michael one, hope you like these please vote! X


Tell me that you turned down the man, who asked for your hand, 'cause you're waiting for me.

You look down at your coffee stirring it slowly, the cafe you're sitting in is painfully familiar, filled with too many faded, bittersweet memories. The door opens and Ashton comes in looking around, the sight of him tightens your chest and you begin to question your decision to meet up with him.

He spots you and walks over, his hands in his pockets, something you recognise, he always does this defensively, maybe when he's nervous or insecure. You smile slightly, he hasn't changed much, his hair only slighter longer, his messy waves in a bandana which to your surprise, you decide you like.

You stand up and he hugs you, his familiar scent lingers on his clothes and you bite down on your lip, "hey" he says, pulling away.

"Hey Ash," you say, taking a seat you place your hands back on your cup, your grip tightens on it as he eyes meet yours nervously.

"How've you been?" He asks, smiling to try and break the ice; his smile is so much better than the pictures you'd involuntarily stumbled upon on twitter and Instagram, there really was no escaping from your past with him no matter how far around the world he goes.

"I'm good, back in my old flat," you admit with a laugh, "I thought you were living with Andy?" He asks,

You stop, "how do you know that?"

Ashton blushes, glancing up at you, "I um- just wanted to check you were okay, you know, after everything."

You nod, a warm feeling spreading over you suddenly at the idea Ashton kept up with you, "Well he proposed a couple of months ago,"

Ashton's features stiffen and he nods, "really?" He asks, his voice noticeably quieter, "that's great, congratulations."

"I said no." You say quickly.

Ashton's eyes widen, "why?"

You think for a moment, when you said no to Andy, your loving, faithful, long term boyfriend you really didn't know an exact reason, you just knew deep down something was holding you back. You knew Andy would look after you, but you just didn't love him, not the way he loved you.

He didn't send a tingle through you just by looking at you, you look up at Ashton, his hazel eyes search yours and you realise.

"You." You say finally.


I'll never leave again, 'cause you are the only one.

You and Luke had been having a rough patch but that night you had a party and, as people expected you would, you went together. Luke is tense making you nervous as you go into the busy room together, your hands brush but that's as close as you come, you bite your lip as you look around. Luke sighs and walks off leaving you in the crowd.

You didn't really know why, but you'd both been drifting away from each other for a while now, it broke your heart that Luke had made a point of staying away from you, only putting on a smile when you left the confines of your house, his fingers awkwardly entwined with yours.

Calum walks up to you holding out a red cup to you, a lopsided smile on his face. You take it forcing a smile, you tip your head back and the cool liquid is drained before you have time to think clearly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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