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He cheats on you well this one was depressing to write.

Ashton: Ashton was on tour and you were at uni but you'd been able to see each other at least a couple of times a month whether it be a fleeting visit or a weekend together you had decided to make the most of every second.

Ashton was lying beside you, his arm draped over you while you scrolled through twitter. It was the best feeling just to be with him and know he's safe and happy, as hard as you try not to you always worry he's overworking himself on tour. You go onto your twitter mentions and the first few you read make your heart pound, you carry on scrolling, a lump rising in your throat. Ashton shifts and sits up slowly, "you okay baby?" He asks running a hand through his messy hair, you ignore him, your eyes locked to the screen.

"Shit ash you couldn't stay faithful for one week?" You snap, finally looking up.

"What?" Ashton asks, his features stiffening quickly.

You bring your screen up and begin to read, "Holy shit Ashton cheated on (y/n)," your voice cracks as you scroll through, "guess that's the end of (your ship name), Drunk ass Ashton getting it on with some random girl."

Ashton's eyes widen as he snatches the phone from your hand, his shaking slightly, the pictures are conclusive evidence. "Y/n I didn't think..."

"Didn't think I'd find out?" You ask in shock.

"It was an accident y/n" ash sighs, "I was drunk there's no need to lose your shit over it."

You step back feeling as if you'd just been slapped in the face, "no need to lose my shit? Ashton our whole damn relationship is a joke!" Ashton shrugs, "Screw you ashton." You mutter picking up your stuff quickly and leaving the room slamming the door angrily, tears falling as hard as you try to stop them. You hear Ashton call after you but you're long gone by then, and he knows it.

Luke: "Luke?" You call quietly, the house is silent but it's early and you don't want to risk waking the others so you step inside and close the door softly, dropping your coat and spare key in their places you make your way to Luke's room. You'd planned to arrive later but you'd managed to shift your work around so you could come now.

It's all silent as you push open Luke's door, you step inside but freeze a few steps short of him, everything inside of you runs cold. Luke, shirtless, laying on his side with his back to you rising and falling steadily, has his arm draped over the waist of a blonde you've never seen in your life.

You back away in horror, blinking rapidly trying to get the image to evaporate before you, but it doesn't, your worst nightmare is as real as life right before your eyes.

You back straight into the doorframe, your eyes stinging with tears which are distorting your vision. Luke bolts upright at the impact, as soon as he sees you his eyes widen, you turn and run faster than you've ever left that house, swearing to yourself that you'd never go back as tears fall before being whipped away in the cold wind.

Calum: Calum seemed very tense as you got ready to go out with Luke and his girlfriend. You'd planned to go and see a movie but at the last minute Calum had suggested you stayed home.

You laugh, "come on cal the movie won't be that bad!" Calum looks down nodding, a worried expression clouding his features.

You meet luke and his girlfriend outside the cinema, Calum and Luke exchange funny glances which you notice. Calum wraps his arm around your waist protectively, trying to shake his head at Luke subtly but failing.

Luke closes his eyes for a moment, "how are you y/n?" He asks, you smile, trying to break the ice, "I'm fine thanks."

Luke nods, his hand goes to his jaw which a rubs before sighing, "I'm sorry Calum this just isn't fair."

Calum's arm tightens around your waist as you look up at him and back to Luke, "what- what isn't fair?"

"Shut up Luke." Calum says through gritted teeth.

"Calum's cheating on you y/n. This isn't how you should find out and I'm so sorry but you deserve to know."

Every word is like a knife twisting inside you. "Calum," you say hoarsely, pulling from his grip to look at him, "please say this isn't true."

You look into his eyes pleadingly but he only shakes his head, before allowing it to drop shamefully. You inhale sharply, all the breath knocked out of you as Luke and his girlfriend comfort you, leading you away from Calum who watches, broken heartedly, at the mess he's made.

Michael: "what are you doing?" Mikey asks, a smile crossing his face as you attempt to throw a crisp into your mouth.

"What does it look like?" You reply, concentration etched on your face, Michael laughs, "it looks like you're failing!"

"I'd love to see you do better!" You challenge, Michael nods, getting up to grab some more crisps from the kitchen.

His phone vibrates and you steal a glance at it, it's a message, the caller ID is, "Zoe 😘"

The name immediately causes you to be defensive as you unlock the phone, your fingers stiff with nerves, the phone vibrates again as you read the messages,

"Hey baby are you alone tonight? Or do we need to find somewhere secret? ;)"

"Hurry up and I'll wear my new VS underwear"

Your eyes widen as you scan through the messages between your boyfriend and this stranger. Every message knocking away at your faith in him, every line stripping down the supports you'd built in him.

Michael clatters back into the room with a smile on his face but it only takes one glance at the phone in your hand for the bowl to go crashing down.

"Y/n what are you doing?" He asks, his tone jittery making you sick to your stomach.

You stand up shoving the phone into his chest, "didn't even try to hide it well." You snap, the shattered glass cracking under your feet as you walk away, breaking apart into tiny pieces just like you and Michael.

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