Muerte De La Rosa Blanca

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Quick A/N: THIS IS THE UPADTE!! I'm so so so sorry about you guys seeing a blank chapter. Wattpad is just not working for me at the moment and I don't know why. Hope you guys forgive me, and please, I hope you enjoy the read.

Timeskip, 2 Days Later, With You

Zamasu: Well done, Y/N. You've completely adapted to the powers that I have bestowed upon you.

Y/N: I am blessed by you, Master Zamasu. Had it not been for you, I would have never been able to seek out the vengeance I desire.

You looked down to the palm of your hand as it glowed with a dark purple ki.

Y/N: The powers of Gods is something no mere mortal can handle. Yet here I am, in complete control of it.

Zamasu: What you have done is beautiful. No mere mortal could ever wield this kind of power. You truly are a God, who was hidden among these impudent beings.

Y/N: Thank you, Master.

Zamasu: Please, do not refer to me as master, anymore. You are my equal, my brother.

He suddenly wrapped you in a hug, and you returned it, as both of you had smirks on your faces.

Y/N: The "Zero Mortal Plan" will soon be accomplished, and this world will be reborn, and live in beauty once again.

Zamasu: Yes, it shall. These insects cannot compare to our God like stature. Our power, our being...

Y/N: Our immortality.

Zamasu: Yes, our immortality.

He pulled away, and you both looked from the mountain you were stood on, towards the coastline in the distance, with a smaller island near it.

Zamasu: Are you ready, Y/N?

Y/N: I am, Zamasu. I've been ready my entire life.

Zamasu: Then, let us go.

Just as you were about to leave, you felt a presence to your right, and fired a ki ball in that direction, blowing up the area. As you stared towards it, Zamasu came to your side, staring in the same direction.

Zamasu: What is it?

Y/N: I felt someone watching us.

You continued to stare in that area, and once the smoke cleared, it was shown nothing was there.

Zamasu: It seems you've vaporized the mortal. Come, let us go.

Y/N: Hmmm...

Zamasu flew off, while you stared in that area for a while longer. After deciding not to waste anymore time, you left, and caught up with Zamasu.

With ???

I watched as a boy who had (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes was talking with Zamasu. I couldn't believe it, I thought we had erased him, but I was wrong. So So wrong. Just as they were about to leave, the boy turned towards my direction, and fired a ki ball towards me. I managed to slip away just before it hit. He was staring at the area I was at, and Zamasu walked to his side.

Zamasu: What is it?

Y/N: I felt someone watching us.

He continued to stare in that area, and once the smoke cleared, it was shown nothing was there.

Zamasu: It seems you've vaporized the mortal. Come, let us go.

Y/N: Hmmm...

Zamasu flew off, while he stared in that area for a while longer. After deciding not to waste anymore time I guess, he left, and caught up with Zamasu. I stepped out of the shadows and stared as they flew off.

The Wrath Of A God: Neglected & Abused Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now