Full Scale Attack, Farewell

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Zamasu: Pathetic mortals must be erased.

Y/N: I'm no pathetic mortal. I will erase your light.

Zamasu: Prepare to die.

Y/N: We'll see about that.



You and Zamasu broke from the clash, creating a massive shock wave, blowing away the surroundings around you. You tried to slash him with your ki blade, but it shattered upon impact, so you readied Trunks sword. You dashed forward and gave him a cut on his face, and then spin kicked him away. He came dashing towards you, and sent a punch with his mutated arm, that sent a force of energy that would've gone straight through you. You flew out of the way, and just when you turned back, he was in your face, grabbing your entire head with one hand, and flying towards the ground. He smashed your face into the pavement, creating a crater underneath you.

Zamasu: You should never have sided with the mortals, now you will die along side them like a arrogant fool.

Y/N: *grunt* Shut up!

You unleashed your energy, sending him flying into a building. You blasted away at the supports of the building, causing it to collapse on top of him. You stared at it as he rose up from the rubble, glaring at you. You glared right back, causing lightning to strike around you two.

Zamasu: Why side with the one's who hurt you? They do nothing but sin against us. They do not deserve to exist, they use intellect for their own selfish desires.

Y/N: Yes, I was once cast away by the people and my own family. But I found my resolve now, the reason why I must side with them. We make mistakes, it's what mortals do, but it's also our job to fix it ourselves.

Zamasu: What you call mistakes, are sins against God.

Y/N: If the Gods really were angered, then why didn't they do away with us sooner? They know we have the power to come together, and fix everything that's wrong. We have to fix our problems ourselves.

Zamasu: Fool, you do not understand anything of the duty of a God.

Y/N: No, Zamasu, it is you who doesn't know the duties of a God. Your heart is impure, and fueled by your own self-righteous justice. A God isn't suppose to enact his wrath on the beings he creates, he helps guide the mortals along the way to the right path. You have strayed away from the right path, and I must set things right. This is my mistake, and I must fix it.

Zamasu: Enough of your foolish talk, it is no point, the Zero Mortal Plan will continue, and I shall erase all the mortals on this planet, and soon, in all the universe.

Y/N: Not unless I stop you.

You both dashed at one another and began to trade blows once more. The shock waves sent ripples through the air, causing everyone who was watching in the distance to feel your power. He upper cut your gut, causing you to spit, and kicked you away. You laid there as he cast his ki blade.

Zamasu: Farewell!

As he was about to stab you, your ki blade formed, and you made it longer, and pierced him right through his chest. He stumbled forward a bit, before standing there in shock.

Y/N: You really don't understand that I can do this as well. Huh? Are you in pain?

Zamasu: Huh?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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