Revere Me, Praise Me

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With You

You and Zamasu were in a log cabin just on the hillside of Mountain Glenn, sipping tea, and going over what you would be doing in Vale.

Zamasu: So, you wish to go out alone into Vale?

Y/N: Yes, I will show them just how strong I have become. They will revere me.

Zamasu: Do not forget our mission of justice, Y/N.

Y/N: I know, Zamasu. I will never stop my pursuit of justice. They will pay for defiling this world, and sinning against the Gods.

Zamasu: They use the intellect they were given for selfish motives, and greed. These mortals are just as revolting as the others that I have encountered.

While you were sipping your tea, far off in the distance, you saw a glare deep within the forest. You raised your palm, and caught a bullet that was aimed right between your eyes.

Y/N: How foolish can they be?

You aimed your finger in the area, and fired a small beam that erupted the entire mountain side they were on, blowing away the rock plateau, killing them.

Zamasu: They are ignorant to think their attacks will do any harm.

Y/N: I will be going now.

Zamasu: Do not take too long. We still need to search for those four maidens, if that is what you call them.

Y/N: Of course.

You took to the skies, and set off towards Vale.

Y/N's Thoughts: Here I come Vale. You will revere me, praise me, for the God I have become.

With Ozpin

Ozpin was walking the grounds of Beacon, watching as the first year students moved along to find their respective classes. He still could not get what happened out of his head. Summer's screams rang through his head, and he closed his eyes, and took a sip of his coffee, trying to relax. Turning the corner, he saw Raven sitting on a bench, looking down to the ground.

Ozpin: Having trouble trying to stay composed as well I see.

Raven looked up at Ozpin, and just stared with a sad look.

Raven: I lost my teammate, and best friend. How in the world can you expect me to stay composed? Y/N, our child, killed her, with no remorse, no regret, no hesitation. He's got this mind set, telling himself that he is a God of sorts, and is out to punish everyone on Remnant for their sins.

Ozpin: Well, do you know why this happened? What was it that caused him to turn against his allies, and cause such violence, and use his power for these deeds.

Raven: I rather not say, I am too ashamed to say what went on before all of this.

Ozpin: I understand.

There was a moment of silence, until Ozpin broke it again.

Ozpin: Why didn't you use it?

Raven: Huh?

Ozpin: Why did you not use your power, Raven. You are the Spring Maiden, yet, you concealed your power, and did not act. Why?

Raven: I...I-I...

She didn't know how to answer. Yes, she is the Spring Maiden, and her powers compare to no others, besides the three other maidens. But deep down, she was afraid of her own power as well. She thought if she had used her power on you, she could have killed you in the process.

The Wrath Of A God: Neglected & Abused Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now