Chapter one

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John on the side ------------> 


I was not some little child living the rich princess life, I was dirty aching from pain and panting. Sweat ran down my face as I strained against the ropes that bonded me. My arms were stretched above me but I tugged on the ropes to keep my shoulders from dislocating. My black air landed on my shoulders and pasted against my skin, my baggy clothes clung to my skin from sweat the more I strained myself.

I heard the wood of the barn creaked under the pressure of my father’s form as the male of 5’11 came over to the building to stand in the barn where I was. He brought with him my sisters as he slammed his ruler into his palm as it cracked throughout the entire room. I twitched but kept my face serious as my father paced around me.

His short ear cut blond hair neatly stayed on his skull, his white teeth flashed with one of his evil smile. He folded his hand. My father did not teach me love was the way, because he was not a loving fairy tale father, he did not love me uncontrollably, I bet he didn’t care weather I lived or die, a matter a fact at this moment this was my punishment for not finishing my dinner.

 He tied my wrist with the ropes and I was hovering above some very sharp nails. My father casually looked over at me hovering in the darkest corner; he moved closer inwards from the door so he could look over at me properly. My younger sister held a small teddy bear of a Disney princess called Cinderella, ran along to meet him as the red head moved outside behind the doors. My twin was beside my father as usual and silent as she moved making sure not to go before him or he would have smacked her in the head. I closed my eyes digging my nails into the rope waiting on his judgment.

It wasn’t that it didn’t hurt, it wasn’t the fact that my arms felt like they would turn noodles any moment and pop out of sockets making my pain worse. It was just that if I dear open my mouth my father would increase the pain he put me through. So I bear it and grind my teeth trying to slow my breathing so he wouldn’t get the pleasure of hearing me react but he was looking into my tear swollen eyes smirking.

Tears did not only sting my eyes at the point, it burned them but I kept them away waiting and watching my father’s menacing smile. It widen he had such a proud face as he watched me endure his sadistic torture. He let me down after a few more seconds of hovering in front of him, my twin caught me and began to heal my wounds with small ointments and bandaged my wrist.

“You did not cry,” Jessica my twin commented to me her voice soft and gentle so dad could not over hear us. Gently she placed me flat on the ground, I smiled up at her.

“Father had made it clear if I utter a scream or cry I would be standing on the nails all night mom…” I drawled sarcastically.  We called my twin mom since she had taken over the roll when our real mom die giving birth to Hana the blonde little sister I mentioned earlier.

There are four of us who live the miserable existence; Shana was the second youngest and most likely to destroy anyone who touched her when she was mad. Jessica my twin and most loving sister, she acted like a little our mother.  Hana was a baby girl and even sweeter than Jessica, her cherry blond hair and sweet smile can make anyone fall for her adorableness.

Dad began to leave, he dragged the 3 year old along, Hana gave a whine trying to keep up with him.  During her struggle she fell on her face and began to cry dad shot her a warning glare. She continued to cry she did not know any better, she was only a baby, but that took no excuse. He was out for blood now and we knew it.  

He lifted his hand the moonlight showed the evil gleam in his eyes as he brought his hand forward to beat the small poor infant. Jessica quickly ran towards the infant to protect her but the distance between us and the child was far too great for her to reach quickly. She would be too late.

Rose sister series Book 1 - Raven's SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now