Chapter 10

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Well who wants to meet our lovely Fed? Well look to the side and you will see…

Kate ignored me and avoided me all the time now, normally I wouldn’t have noticed but I have been trying to talk to her to get more information. I stomped in frustration up the stairs from yet again having to run after Kate all around the house only to lose her in the house somewhere. I did drop my phone which was a bummer, I wanted to call John and asked about Fed.

I took out the fruit I was planning to have for breakfast since I stopped trusting everything else in this house. Lately Fed had been getting more forceful and it was beginning to get to me. I was hoping I was looking into it too hard and everything was an incident.

Talking about Fed, he has been demanding my attention for some reason something in the back of my brain said to not tell him the things I have discovered about him. Today I was waiting on Fed to take me out into the woods for a picnic. I held my dagger closer to me never leaving from within my boots since I couldn’t find my whip.

“Are you ready?” the little devil asked coming out of his room with the basket… I wanted to refuse the offer but it would make them suspicious and I couldn’t have that.

“Of course…” I replied snorting and then made to fold my arms but he stopped me by entangling his fingers with mine. He took the lead as we entered the forest. My instincts went on high alert jumping to over drive, I looked around nervously.

Fed immediately noticed my tense state and frown looking at me.

“Are you ok?”

“Yes…” I automatically replied.

His frowns deepen and I saw suspicion in his eyes before he twisted my arm slamming me into the floor of the forest. I let out a squeal of horror then gasp trying to get air into my lungs. I tried to cope with his sudden change of character. I used my free hand closest to my feet to reach for my dagger but Fed twisted my arm harder almost breaking it. Pain tunnel through my body exploding through my mouth in a pain filled scream, I choked and panted trying to keep still.

“I’ve waited so long for this…” he growled darkly in my ears pressing his body onto mine straining my almost broken arm. He grinded his hips against my legs and I shivered in disgust but dear made no movements other than trying to talk to him trying to detour him from what he was doing. I was all alone anyone who came would most likely think it was us getting it on or worse it would have been Mary and Joseph, I was doom.

 “What are you doing Fed?” I asked biting my bottom lip in distaste at the fear lacing my voice. As John would say, pitiful….Just pitiful... but I dare not stop my attempts “What have I done to you?”

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” he asked almost hysterically. He grabbed my free arm and bends it in an angle that strained the joint before he stepped onto the limb. I quickly adjusted before he connects preventing him from breaking my arm. If I so much as breathed he would have broken my arm beyond repair.

I felt the tears sting my eyes like razor blades. He leaned over to the basket pulling out a rope his feet never giving me the chance to use either of my weak hands to fend him off. The fact that I was on my stomach made it next to impossible to use my feet for any good kicks. He tied my weak and painfully numb arms together before roughly tossing me onto my back like trash.

I tried to talk to him again still hating myself for showing so much weakness and tears… Pathetic, John would be ashamed of me at this point. He will never make me see Jessica…. The thought made me want to cry in agony but I gulp it down and focus on talking to Fed to detour him.

“Please Feddrick, Explain to me… what have I done to you so?” I asked him scared.

He cast me a glare as if to ask if I was stupid before he answered emotionlessly

Rose sister series Book 1 - Raven's SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now