1 | Close friends

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"I've seen you at your worst, and I still think you're the best"


You've been friends with Daniel for years, since you were in elementary school. He was the first person who welcomed you with a smile. He was there when people bullied you, he was there during your pain, he was there when you needed him, he's always been there.

You got up, taking a shower and heads downstairs for the last semester.

"Y/N yah, did you revise your lessons?" your mom asks.

"Yes I did mom" you smile as you took a seat in front of your parents.

You begin to dig into your food when your dad calls out, "Y/N ah, we have something to tell you"

"What is it dad?" you placed an omelet into your mouth.

"We're gonna have to move soon"

"To where?"



"I've started my business there since summer. It's doing well. I've also registered you into a good school"

"But dad, I'm different. They'll bully me"

"They won't. We're becoming rich. You're not wearing those torn out sneakers any longer. When we arrive in London, I'm gonna bring you to shop for things"

"When will we be leaving?"

"This afternoon, after you finish school"

"But I haven't packed my clothes?"

"Don't worry. Your mom will do for you"


"But what?"

"I will miss my friend..."



"You can still contact him"

"Can't I stay here?"

"You can't sweetie. You're so young. You're just 13. I can't leave you alone here. Don't worry. Once you're a grown up, I'll send you back here, okay? 4 years. After 4 years, I'll send you back"


"Promise. Now, finish your breakfast and head to school"

You finish your breakfast as you're told. You bid them goodbyes and heads to your shoe rack. You picked out your newest sneaker. Well, not really new, but it's better than the other torn out ones.

You took the bus and arrive at your school. It will be the last day that you'll attend this school. It will be the last day you're gonna get bullied by those girls.

You took a deep breath and walk inside to see Daniel sitting on the swing, waiting for you. You slowly walk to him.

"Hi Y/N" he excitedly smile.

"Hey Niel" you smile back. It will be the last time you get to him in person.

"I have something to tell you..." you lower your voice.

"What is it?" he asks as he swings himself into the air.

"I'm leaving today" you sigh.

"To where?" he stops his swing, got up and stood in front of you.


"You're leaving me here?"

"Sorry. I'll be back in 4 years"


"Daniel, I'm really sorry"

"How am I gonna contact you?"

"I'll contact you instead"

"I'll miss you so much Y/N..."

"Me too. Daniel?"


"I have something to tell you"

"What is it?"

"Let's meet after school, right here"

"Oh... okay"

After finish with what you're saying, you head to class with Daniel to see the girls throwing papers at you.

"Stop it! She's leaving today. At least treat her a little better!" Daniel shouts.

"I'm fine" I grab onto his hand.

"Lol. She's leaving? GREAT!!! I won't have to see this dirty trash in here" a girl said.

You just let it go since you didn't want to cause any scene. Not too long, the teacher heads in. Everyone became silent. You all were getting ready for the exam. After everyone is prepared, he starts handing out the exam papers. It was what you expected. You learned the chapter. You quickly finish your exam and heads out. Soon, Daniel followed behind.

After every exam is finished, it's time for you to meet up with Daniel at the swing you met earlier this morning.

You sighed as you grabbed your bag straps.

You stood in front of him fidgeting with your fingers.

"What is it you want to tell me?" he asks.

"I-I" you stuttered.


"I like you"

"I like you too"


"Yeah. As friends"

"Oh... But that's not how I think of you"

"You think of something more? I'm sorry, but I can't see you as anything besides my friend. I can't date someone like you. Tbh, you're way out of my league. I'm sorry-"

"I thought you were different from the others"

You finished confessing. It was a fail. You can't stay there any longer. It's embarrassing.

"Remember what you say, Kang Daniel" you say as you walk back home.

You're gonna change. 4 years. 4 years is enough. You're gonna make him regret it.

You arrived home. Everything was already cleared. You wash up one last time and put on your hoodie. You walk outside carrying your suitcase that your mom prepared for you.

The taxi soon arrived. Your dad helps you put all of your belongings into the car and you drove off to the airport.

You checked in your luggage.

8:00pm. It's time for you to board the plane.

You put on the seatbelt. The plane is taking off soon. There's only one thing you miss, Kang Daniel.

You never thought he was also judging you. All you pray for is, London will make your life better. It will be easier. You will come back even stronger.

You soon drifted off to sleep in your own thoughts.

New life, new me.

Friend Zoned ↬ Kang Daniel X Reader [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now