8 | Back to Korea

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"What hurts more than losing you is knowing you're not fighting to keep me."


It's been 4 years since you've been studying in London. Finally, it's the day you've been waiting for. You're finally going back to Korea. You're still in a relationship with Jisung. It's been 1 year since you guys are together.

You brought your luggage downstairs, gave your parents a hug.

"I'll visit you when you graduate alright daughter?" your dad gave you a forehead kiss.

"Yes daddy. Please come to my graduate ceremony okay?" you gave him another hug.

"If you need money, contact me" your mom gave you a hug too.

"Yes I will mom. I have to go now okay? When I arrive, I'll contact you. I love you mom and dad"

You gave them another hug and heads out. You wore your Gucci sneakers and open the car door. You told the chauffeur to bring you to the airport.

It was a 2 hours drive till you reach the airport. You unlock the door and heads out. You took your phone out and dials Jisung's number.

"Where are you?" you ask.

"Turn around" Jisung says.

You did as he says and there he is standing, holding onto his luggage. You quickly run and hug him.

"I miss you so much" you hug him tightly, so did he.

"I miss you too my princess~" Jisung kisses your forehead.

"And it's just been 1 day"

"I know right"

"Where are the others?"

"They're inside. They already checked in their luggage"

"Should we go?"

Jisung held your hand as you two proceed into checking in your luggages. You then went to the waiting place to board the plane.


It was a long ride, but you wouldn't mind because you have Jisung by your side.

You arrived at Incheon International Airport. You quickly gave a call to your parents. They told you they already missed you and so do you. You miss them too. Your dad gave you the house's address and you, Jisung, Seongwu, Woojin and Jaehwan put your belongings in the trunk of the taxi and heads to your destination.

You soon arrived at your house. It was big, almost like a mansion. Jisung helped you carry your luggage. You got the door card that your dad gave you. You insert it in and it opens.

You remember you didn't need to clean because your dad already paid someone to clean the whole house.

The boys went in taking a look at the house and picked their own rooms. They were amazed at how big they were. Jisung chose a room next to yours. You kept the other room free for your brother. He's arriving tomorrow evening.

You gathered the boys in the living room.

"Aren't you guys visiting your parents?" you ask.

"We will be, this evening" Seongwu says.

"Oh okay. Babe? You?"

"I'm going too. But not alone. With you. I'll introduce you to them" Jisung holds your hand.

"Oh my eyes" Woojin blocks his eyes.

"Babeeeeeeeee" Jaehwan teases.

"I'll make dinner. Are you coming? Or are you eating with your parents?" you ask.

"It's fine. It's the first day so we'll eat with our parents" Seongwu smiles.

After preparing for what you needed to do, you all headed to your own separate ways.

You and Jisung took a taxi to Jisung parent's house. When you arrived, he pressed on the doorbell when a lady came and opens the door.

"Son!!!!" she shouts.

"Mom!!!! I missed you so much" Jisung says as he hugs his mom tightly. "Where's dad?"

"He's at work. Come in"

You went inside his house and sat in the living room.

"Mom, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Y/N"

"Nice to meet you auntie" you smile.

"Y/N... Y/N... ah! The daughter of the most successful businessman from Korea who now lives in London. OMG!! You're so pretty"

"T-Thank you auntie"

"How long have you been together? Where did you meet?"

"We've been together for one year and I first met her at school, in the music room. Seongwu introduced me to her and we started becoming close"

"Did you meet her parents?"


"Did they like you?"

"Yes auntie. My parents love him so much. They wanted me to be with him since I started school, since the first day he greeted my dad" you told her.

"Awwww that's cute"

"Btw, mom, isn't my girlfriend cute? pretty?"

"Of course she is"

"Did you submit my registration form to the school yet?"

"Of course I did~"

You had fun talking to his mom. After finishing with everything you needed to say, you headed to a restaurant to eat with Jisung.

You ordered the food you like and he ordered his.
You were eating separately when Jisung took a spoonful of rice, topped with meat and told you to open your mouth. He then puts the food into your mouth as he wipes your lips and you both smile.

After eating, you headed for paying when you met a familiar figure. That person leans down and looks straight into your eyes, "Y/N, it's been a while"

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