16 | Out of Gas

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"Secret #6: I stare at you when you're not looking 👀 "


You were on your way back to Seoul when the car suddenly breaks down.

"What's the matter?" you ask, worriedly.

"Ummm... I-I'm sorry Y/N-ah, but the car ran out of gas. I forgot to fill the tank in the morning..."


"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry"

"How far is it from here to Seoul?"

"Around 2-3 hours? Do you want to walk there?"


"Should we spend the night here? I think I saw a hotel a while ago"

"Hmm okay. Let me give Jisung a call"

You went on your phone, searched Jisung's name and gave him a call.

"What is it princess?" he asked on the other line.

"I can't go home tonight"


"The car ran out of gas. There's no taxi nearby too"

"OMG!!!!!!!! Should I pick you up?"

"You don't have a driver's license. I'll just sleep in the hotel, don't worry"

"Not with Daniel right?"

"Of course not. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye babe"

"Bye princess. I love you"

"Me too"


You've been walking for 20 minutes. Your legs are aching because you've never exercised 🌚 so you would exhaust yourself in a short amount of time.

"Kang Daniel. I thought you said you saw a hotel on the way here? I'm so damn tired" you whine.

Daniel walks in front of you, stops and bends down.

"Get on" he gestured.

You look at him clueless. "You said you're tired" he says.

You hesitated for quite awhile until he pulls your hand down.

"Don't think for too long. It's almost midnight"

After hearing what he said, you quickly climb onto his back.

"I love you" he suddenly confesses.

"What's the matter with you? You're not even drunk..."

"I just felt like saying it. It's been 4 years, Y/N. 4 freaking years. I really wanted to text you and give you a call, but I'm really afraid, because I know you hate me a lot. Nowadays, I'm loving you harder and harder..."

You sighed and kept silent. After around 10 minutes, you arrived at a hotel.

Daniel checked in the room as you waited for him at the lobby.

He then grabbed your hand and leads you to the elevator. You looked down, to his hand. Only one room card?

"Why is there only one room card?" you ask.

"We'll share the room" he smiles.

"WHAT? NOOOO" you yelled. He puts his hand on your mouth.

"Shhhhh. Don't worry. I won't do anything. You sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa"

"Why don't you just check in another room instead?"

"I want to stay with you"

You turned your face away since you feel yourself getting hot. Luckily, you arrived at the floor. You quickly ran the opposite way of your room.

"Y/N!!! The room's this way" Daniel laughs.

You embarrassingly lower your head and walks behind Daniel.

He unlocks the door and you went in, to the bathroom.

You didn't lock the bathroom door.

"Let's brush our teeth together" Daniel suggests.

You ignored him and pulled the toothbrush and toothpaste that's at the sink and starts squeezing the toothpaste onto the toothbrush and start brushing your teeth. Daniel copies you and did the same.

You came out from the bathroom and so did Daniel. The atmosphere was really intense. It was quiet and awkward, until Daniel decided to sits next to you on the bed. You moved a little away from him.

"What is it?" you raised your eyebrows.

"Did you miss me?"


"When you're in London"


"Don't lie"


"Do you?"


Daniel gave you a sincere smile. He then came closer towards you. He didn't give you a kiss, but rather, he reached for your neck. He started planting kisses on it. It's not that you didn't stop him, but you can't say you don't like his kisses.

After creating some hickeys on your neck, he suddenly stops. He gets up.

"I'm sorry" he apologized.

You look at him confused.

"You have a boyfriend. I'm really sorry"

He went to turn the lights off and went to the sofa. You then heard a sobbing noise. You got up from your bed and walk towards Daniel. You bend down and touched his shoulders.

"Daniel? Are you crying?"


"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?"

He got up as you went to turn the lights on and sits next to him.

"What's the matter?" you ask.

"Can I tell you the truth?"

"Hmm. Spill it. I won't mind"

"I love you, a lot. The fact that I can't have you hurts me so much. The fact that you're someone else's girl hurts me so much. The fact that I can't even call you mine hurts me even more..."


"You don't have to say anything. I'm fine. I will be fine. Just go to bed"

"How can I? You're hurting because of me. I can't just go to sleep, leaving you crying alone"

"I will fine. You must be tired. Just go to sleep"


"I'm fine. I really am"

Daniel turns the light off once again as you went to your bed and laid on it. You pulled the blanket and covers it onto yourself.

Why am I like this? I already cheated on Jisung because I allowed Daniel to kiss me and now, I hurt Daniel too. Why is this so hard? Why can't I chose one person? Why do I feel like I'm falling for Kang Daniel once again?

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