Sixteen - FaceTime

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Scout answered the call, her heart pounding out of her chest as the screen switched to the facetime one. She watched as the black screen quickly turned to a slightly pixelated screen of Finn's face smiling back at her.

Finn felt his breath get caught in his throat once he finally saw Scout's face smiling back at him. Her blonde hair was down and the curls framed her face perfectly. From what he could see, she was wearing a tan sweater with a cute cartoon giraffe in the center.

"Hey," Scout finally forced out, smiling at Finn brightly before subconsciously running a hand over her fluffy curls.


"You're voice is deeper than I guess I expected," Scout commented. She laid back on her bed and held the phone above her, her hair almost formed a halo around her head.

"Yeah, puberty will do that to you my friend. It has changed a bit since I was in IT and Stranger Things," he paused. "Wait, have you seen those?"

"Yeah! I actually found you through Calpurnia and once I mentioned it to a friend and he was greatly offended that I didn't actually know of you. That was like a week before IT came out? So he made me go to see it. Big mistake by the way, I can't handle scary things at the best of times,"

"Try starring in a scary movie,"

"Is it still as scary then? I guess I figured since you see it all before the special effects and stuff it would be less horrifying,"

"I mean it kind of is, but also everyone on set made it their personal goal to scare the crap out of us so our reactions were genuine. We didn't even interact with Bill until after we started doing scenes with him. And once, for a jump scare, Andy came running at us with a giant cardboard cut out of Pennywise's face," Finn explained, smiling at the way Scout giggled, her cheeks tinted a soft pink color from her laughter.

"That makes sense. Once, a went to a haunted maze with Alec and Savana and almost punched a scare actor in the face, it was a rough night,"

"Oh my god you can't be serious!"

"Sadly I'm one hundred percent serious. I had been holding Alec's hand the whole time, and somehow he convinced the scare actor to grab my hand. I didn't realize for like five minutes! Their hands felt the same! o once I turned around and saw Alec next to me and not holding my hand, instead it was some horrifying man in a freaky mask. I screamed super loud and moved to punch him before I calmed down and just cursed him out,"

"That poor guy," Finn said in between chuckles.

"Poor me! I'm 5'3 and basically over-aggression and awkward nerves condensed into one sad teen! After the maze I shoved Alec in to the corn so I think I got him back. Also pretty sure Savana has got a video of that somewhere, they stockpile weird videos of us".

As they continued to talk, Finn came to realize just how funny and kind Scout was. Her sense of humor was an odd one, but she cared deeply for the world and those around her. She had a beautiful soul, but also an absolutely gorgeous face. Her blue eyes seemed to light up whenever they started talking about something she truly cared about. She told him stories about James and Sawyer with such fondness before she instantly went to lovingly making fun of them. She mentioned her dad, she told Finn that even though he had sucked in the beginning he truly came around and was the best he could possibly be, he worked hard to earn back and keep their trust. She told him about Alec and Savana, how Savana was seventeen and pretty much the parent of the group, and Alec was sixteen and Scout's 'platonic soulmate'. She mentioned Alec's crush, Troy, with a cheeky smile and a voice that had a teasing lilt to it. Finn told her about acting, his favorite and least favorite things about it. He told her about his self doubt and social anxiety. He talked about his family and how supportive and helpful they've always been, especially Nick. He told her stories about his friends and how much he really cherished both IT and Stranger Things for giving him some of the best friends he'd ever had. The conversation just flowed easily between them.

"Has it really been four hours?" Scout questioned, clicking her phone to see that they had in fact been talking for over four hours. "Wow, it has," She sat up and rested her head on her hand as she looked into the screen at Finn. His hair was getting longer now and fluffed so nicely around his face. His dark brown reminded her of stormy days and the calming, earthy smell that came with the rain. Rain was obviously rare for her and always a cherished day, whenever rain was on the forecast she'd head out with Alec and Savana or her brothers to just sit and watch it. It reminded her of the first time her dad had sat outside with her during a storm.

"What are you thinking about?" Finn asked, pulling her from the memory. Scout paused, trying to think of a way to explain it.

"Your eyes, in a way I guess," she paused again. "They remind me of rain,"

"How? They're brown?" he tilted his head a bit in confusion.

"Well, not the rain itself, but the feelings and smell the rain brought with it. California rarely gets rain so whenever it comes we cherish it. Whenever it rains here, it brings this calming earthy smell that just feels like home to me. When I was born, my dad was only eighteen and really had no idea what to do. I was a weird, tiny kid, and the quietest one in my class.  Anyways, once when I was around five or six, it started to rain. I left the house and sat on the back porch, just listening and watching as the rain fell and turned the dirt from this really sad tan color, to such a nice brown color. And it made me so happy because the grass wouldn't be thirsty anymore and we didn't have to give it sink water. After like five minutes of me being out there, my dad came out and sat down next to me. Back then he was so focused on working and getting us money that he never really spent time with me or the boys. He didn't really know who I was if I'm being honest. He told me he was so surprised to see a five year old just sitting and watching, not running around or playing with the mud. He sat down next to me on the porch and just stayed with me until the rain stopped. That was honestly the closest I'd been to my dad at the time, the first time he just watched me and started to figure out who I was. Now the rain reminds me of my dad and my brothers and my friends, it reminds me of the earth and how it seemed to bring color back to the trees and flowers. I don't know, that was weird," Scout blushed and ducked her head down, feeling slightly embarrassed for basically comparing Finn's eyes to dirt and mud.

"No, I'm actually really flattered. And thanks, for telling me that, for telling me everything actually," Finn smiled warmly at her and wished so badly that he could hug her or hold her hand or even just talk to her in person, not through the screen. "You're pretty fantastic Scout,"

"Thanks Finn, you're pretty fantastic too,"

Scouts Honor - a Finn Wolfhard ficWhere stories live. Discover now