Chapter Four

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Dear Miss Cassia Bato,

I am the current head of the Royal Library and I am contacting you concerning a job at the Royal Castle. Arden Lyst has suggested you for an opening at the library here. She told me much about you and it seems you would be a good fit for the job. I will be in town this coming Thursday to interview you and talk to your current employer. I would be happy to meet you at your local library for the interview if you are interested at 1 pm. If you are not interested, come anyways and let me know so I don't waste any time. If everything goes well, I will consider you for a job.

Kindest Regards,

Cane Dugan.

I jump up excitedly, running into the kitchen.

"What is it, sweetie?" Mom asks. I show her the letter and let her read it over. By the time she's finished, her eyes go big. "We only have a week to get you ready! That's not enough time! I have to make you a dress perfect for the interview. We have to prep you for the questions they will ask. What if you get it? Then we'll have to get you ready to move. This is not enough time."

"Mom. It's going to be fine. We have a lot of time. I can prep with questions during and after suppers and Alfie can make me a dress while you work in the store. I will also talk to Miss Maria about this tomorrow so she's up to date as well. It's all going to be okay." I tell her.

"What's going to be okay?" Dad asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Cassia got an interview with the head of the royal library. It's this Thursday." Mom says, giving dad a look.

"Congratulations! This is so great! I'm going to have a daughter working at the royal castle!"

"I haven't gotten the job yet, dad. I still have to go through the interview."

"I know, but I just know you'll do great! Besides, if they considered you in the first place, you must be pretty great."

"Thanks dad. Now, lets set the table. It looks like supper is almost ready."


I fidget with my dress as I sit in the break room waiting for Miss Maria to finish talking to Cade Dugan. She had just gone in after I got here and I was told to wait here until they were done and then I have my interview. I just hope it goes well.

The door opens and Miss Maria walks out, shaking hands with a young man, around 25, not too far from my age. I stand as they both come closer to me, before shaking the young man's hand.

"Cade Dugan. You must me Cassia Bato. Your friend has told me quite a lot about you. Your boss here also holds you in a high light. Come into the office and we can have our interview." We step into the borrowed office as he speaks. He walks behind the desk and gestures for me to take a seat across from him. "So, how have you liked working in the library here? Miss Maria told me you've been working here for almost 2 months now, but you've been coming to the library since you were young."

"I have really enjoyed working here. It's my favourite passtime, being around books. This is the perfect job for me. I'm able to do something I love, which makes the time pass quick and it makes it seem like it's not really a job." I answer.

"What's your favourite part about working here?"

"I would have to say it's being around the books. I get to put them away and I find out there are books here that I never would have thought existed. It's a great opportunity to explore the shelves while putting the books away."

"How would you deal with someone wrongly stocking shelves?"

"I would take them to the side and inform them they aren't doing it properly, then teach them how to stock the shelves properly."

"What is the process you would use to encode new books?"

"I would check to see the quality they are in before going over to the logging system and entering the new information. I would then print off a label based on the logging information. Then I would put it into the back room until I had the time to take it out and put it on the shelves."

"Why are you interested in working for the Royal Library?"

"I think it would be a great way to gain experience and a very interesting job. I also love books so having a job around books is my dream. It's nice to be able to experience new things as well."
"If you had an opportunity to move up in management with the Royal Library, would you take it?"

"it would be something I would seriously consider. It would be great to have more responsibilities and know more about how that side of the job works."

"What are some of your responsibilities with your current job?"

"I stock the shelves and label new books, as well as sort the back room to make it more organized."

"If you had to help someone find a book you had no idea where the location was, what would you do?"

"I would ask one of my coworkers if they had any idea, and if they didn't or if they were busy, I would look in the logging system fir the location and then show them to where the book was."

"What made you want to get a job at your local library?"

"I always came here and I decided one day based on a suggestion from my family and applied. I have always wanted to work in a library or bookstore of sorts, and this was the perfect opportunity."

"What else have you done for work besides the library?"

"I help my mom out at her shop every once in a while, and before I got this job I helped out there quite a bit. I also helped renovate the shop recently."

"Thank you for your time. I will contact you later on whether or not you get the job." Cafe tells me as we stand and shake hands.

We head out of the office and part ways, with me leaving to go home. Once I arrive at home, I make myself some lunch before sitting on the couch and resting, Mom and Alfie come home a few hours later after closing the shop. I help mom make supper as Alfie sets the table. As soon as dad gets home, we sit to eat.

"How did the interview go today?" Dad asks.

"It went well! I answered all the questions to the best of my ability. Cade Dugan said he would contact me later on whether or not I got the job. I'm really hoping that I get the job. I hope they make a decision soon."

"I think you will get it!" Mom tells me.

"Thanks. There are a lot of people who want the job, though, I'm sure. There must be some sort of interest in it, seeing as it's at the royal castle." I say.

"Well, either way, we're proud of you. You at least got an interview, and I have confidence you will get the job." Dad tells me.

We finish eating and our daily after supper routine before I go to bed, reflecting on the day, and thinking about what the results of the interview could be. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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