Chapter five

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- Really sorry about how short the chapters are. But they will get longer. And if you comment if you like it or not I could really make it better, so please do. Thanks. And I also accidently deleted chapter four incase you hadn't noticed. SOOOO sorry -

 The outfit that has been laid out for traing is very simple. My fingers run over the fabric. Yes, it's comfortable, but will it be enough comfort to help me through hours of training? But either way, I'll most likely just train for thirty minutes with the weapons then just learn more about edible plants and snares, though I already know much about what is edible and what may kill you.

After slipping the outfit on I know there is no time to be wasted. Already I skipped breakfeast and ordered food in my room instead. What would happen if I were to be late for training, too? Surely, Effie would be much madder at me and although she may annoy me, I'd rather her not dislike me. Maybe it doesn't make sense, but to me it still matters. And to be honest, I'm not use to people disliking me.

Peeta and Effie are already there, patiently waiting. For a moment, I'm scared that once more I am late, but somebody has to show up last. So why not me? "Hi, Effie." I chime sweetly.

Effie smiles at me. "Good morning, Primrose." The elevator doors silently slide open, allowing the three of us to step inside. We're sent down the elevator shaft. It's such a smooth ride that you almost feel like you're glidding high up in the clouds. By the time that the doors push open, we are underground.

Peeta and I exit the elevator while Effie stays in and goes back up the the twelfth floor. Although we are right on time, Peeta and I are the last to arrive. Without further hesitation, I take my place among the other tributes. Each tribute - except for the girl from District Eleven - is taller and thicker built than I am. Some have obvious ability's just by what equipment they are staring at or how they look. 

Atlas, the woman who is pretty much in charge of the Training Center, steps in front of us. She begins to talk about the different stations, and that we should not over-look the survival stations. It's a quick little speech and then we are allowed to wonder around, trying out different weapons and skills.

I decide to try archery first, since Katniss had taught me some usefull facts about archery. Even though i have only held a bow once before, I can tell that these bows are much different. Katniss, being such a great archer and all, would be able to adjust to it, but for me it will be like picking up a bow and arrows for the first time. Gently, I load the bow and raise it to take aim. My fingers sort of fumble with the string, but I am able to get a firm grasp on it. I let go of the string and watch the arrow fly. It misses the target by a lot.

"Would you like some help?" I look over and see the archery instructor standing beside me.

"No thank you. I can handle it." I say. He walks away to help another tribute, I think it may be the girl from ten. Even though she seems incomprehensible with archery I saw her chucking spears around earlier, she rarely ever missed the dummy, multiple times she hit the bullseye.

My attention skips back to the bow laying in my hand. Once more, I load it. More careful than last time, I take aim. The arrow hits the dummy, but it sticks into the arm, no where close to any fatal or vunerable areas. I'm beginning to get quite agrivated. 

I shoot the bow fifteen more times, half the time I hit the dummy, but only hit vital areas about once or twice. In frustration, I give up. So far, I've only tried out the bow and arrows. Maybe I am good at something else. But what could it possibly be? Sword fighting? Throwing knives? 

There's so much to try. As I look around the enormous gymnasium, I notice a net hanging high above the ground. Maybe instead of being deadly, I could be stealthy. Run away whenever someone comes near. It doesn't seem easy to get up there, and I'm right. It takes me multiple tries to reach the netting that covers the ceiling. But, once I get up there I'm able to climb across the net. Occasionally, one of my legs or arms fall through and I get a gut feeling that I'm falling.

No one else seems to be up here so I just lay down on my back. I must drift off because when my eyes flutter open, all of us tributes are being called in for lunch. I struggle to get back into a crawling position and try to climb back down, but it's too hard and I'm rushing myself, I slip and land on my back. The air rushes out of me. 

When I regain my feet no one is left in the gym. 

Lunch is simple, grab and plate, pile as much food onto your plate as you can and eat. But it's harder for me, landing on my back has left me injured. I'm not sure what I have injured - I'll be able to figure that out once I get back to my room - but it hurts to walk. And that definetely will not help with my survival in the arena.

Sorry that it isn't much of a chapter and that I haven't uploaded in a long time but I'm really tired and have been extremely bussy lately. And really, PLEEEAASEEE comment!! I really want to know if you guys enjoy it so far. If you don't, please don't be rude about it, just tell me and I'll fix it. Thanks, bye.

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