Chapter fifteen

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So sorry! I haven't uploaded in forever, I'm working on another story, but I guess I'm going to put that one on hold until this one is finished. But thanks for the feedback guys :) It's good to know that you're enjoying it. Now back to the story...

Rue and I walk in complete silence. The only noises are made by the birds happily chirping in the canopy of trees, the clicking of the heat bugs, and the occasional stomach rumbling, begging desperately for food. But, a canon booms loudly, breaking the stillness. About five hundred feet away, a hovercraft materializes and sends it's claw down to scoop up a young girl's body, her hair is a brilliant, firey red, her skin pale as sand, but who is it? "Who do you think that was?" I impatiently ask Rue.

"It doesn't matter who is dead. What matters is who killed her and if they're heading towards us right now." Replies Rue nervously. We stare at each other, letting her all too real words sink in before darting fowards. There are congratulatory hoots and hollers and I know that the girl must have died at the hands of the careers. Rue must realize this too, because she looks at me and urges me to run faster, but I can't. I'm too slow and weak. Huffing and puffing, I try my hardest to run faster, but I just end up doing the oppisite. Honestly, I blame it on my hunger.

The voices of the Careers fade away to the south, thankfully Rue and I are travelling North. Deciding that our small supply of water can only last so long, we keep going. While we're walking, I can't help but think about Katniss. Would she have ever dated Peeta? Or will Gale and her date? Marry, even? I have always thought they would be a nice couple, Katniss, the lone girl at school, Gale, the hearthrob in his grade. Although, in the end, it may not be such a perfect relationship.

A noise breaks my thoughts. It's nothing that I have heard before, yet it sounds so familiar. Like the sound of water pouring out from a faucet...

"Water!" Rue cries exhaustedly. As tired as we are, we run over to the tiny stream and fill up our bottles, we then each put one drop of iodine that we found in Rue's bag into the water, and sadly have to wait thirty minutes before we can drink the life saving liquid. "So," Says Rue as we patiently wait. "What's District Twelve like?"

So, I tell her about the mines, the explosion that killed my father, and life in the Seam. I also share to her some stories of my cat Buttercup and my goat Lady. But, I don't dare tell her about my sister's illegal hunting, for if I did, surely her and Gale's life would be taken, stolen.

Once I finish it's been around twenty minutes which means that we still have ten minutes to waste, so I ask Rue about life in District Eleven. Rue sighs, "It's terrible. Absoulutely horrible. Right after school, we rush over to the orchards where I spend my time high up in the trees, picking the fruits that grow up there. One wrong move and I go plumiting down at least a good fifteen feet, hitting branches on my way down. I've never fallen, but I've seen a lot of others fall. Mostly children that have just turned old enough to begin work. Luckily, though, I have only witnessed one death. Anyways, I guess I almost like being so high up in the trees, with all of the mockingjays fluttering around me. Some have even become my friends. And at the end of the day, I give this little four note tune to them," She pauses to sing the tune, and all of the mockingjays that I hadn't even noticed quickly pick it up and bounce it back at us. "So that way all of the workers who are to low to see the light that indicates the end of the day will now it's time to go back home." After that, she continues to tell me about the big iron fences that circle District Eleven. How strict the peacekeepers are, unlike my district where they even buy game from Katniss and Gale.

Ten minutes later, we chug down the water. It dances on my tongue and makes my throat rejoyce. Never have I been so pleased to have had a sip of water before. Maybe, after hearing Rue's stories about the ruthless District that is her home, I'm more grateful for what I have, even though I may never see it again, or hug her again...

Before dusk falls, there is no other canon firing . Rue finds us a tree that has two forks in it, so we don't have to be in seperate trees like yesterday. I set up my sleeping area just about ten feet underneath Rue. All I can think about is hoping that she doesn't fall on me. Carefully, I nestle down and stare up at the sky, which is begining to turn into a colorful sky, giving one last shred of light until the arena grows dark. For some, this may be the last light they ever see, the last shade of beautiful colors, mixing together in harmony. Could that person possibly be me? What about Rue, or Peeta? Yes, how is Peeta? I hope he isn't harmed. I know he is not dead yet. Since I saw the girl get lifted into the hovercraft and disapear from the arena. But was there a canon that I did not hear? One that sounded while I was still fast asleep? Well, I guess I can't be sure until the anthem plays.

First there is the girl from  District Five, which I can now place as the girl that I saw got lifted up in the giant claw of the hovercraft. And then there is the girl from Eight, meaning that I did miss a canon fire. It doesn't matter, I guess, it wasn't Peeta. He's still alive, there's still hope for District Twelve having a victor this year. And it comes soon enough, the anthem that is.

Once the anthem fades out and the sky grows dark, I close my eyes and try to sleep. My stomach rumbles much to often to fall asleep, though. So, I grab my bag and bite into some rabbit squares. I eat two peices and take a huge gulp of water before nestling back down. When I close my eyes this time, I easily drift off. 

I apoligize. It's a really short chapter. Like insanely short. Usually I write them down first and then copy them onto here, but I didn't have time. So expect another update by like tomorrow or something. And also, school starts for me in like three days, so I may not have as much time to update after that, so i'll be writing a lot more in these three days. And you may even get chapt. sixteen today. Okay, well bye!

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