Chapter fourteen

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The hovercraft ride is only about a thirty minute trip. Each window is blackened so we can't see where we are going. I'm seated next to Rue but we only exchange a few words. So far we have no plan for the Cornucopia, but each of us being so small we will most likely just flee from the Cornucopia the moment that the gong rings out. 

I'm transferred to a chamber where I will wait with Cinna for my launch up to the arena. There's a couch  in the middle of the launch room and I dive onto it, letting the tears loose. Cinna pulls me into his arms and gets me to stop crying. "You can do this."

"No, I can't. I'm too young and small and unable to kill even a tiny animal. I'm doomed." I counter.

A voice comes on and announces there are fourty secounds until launch time. I begin to tremble nervously and Cinna embraces me again. "You'll get sponsors. People love you. How strong you've acted. You just need to stay strong." He says soothingly.

Cinna hands me the outfit that I am to wear in the arena which I quickly change into. The necklace that I wore to the interviews is still draped around my neck. "Have some water for now." Cinna says kindly while handing me a clear glass filled high with water. I just nod my head passively and sip away at it.

The voice is back saying that there's twenty secounds left so it's time to step into the tube to prepare for launch. "Cinna, I don't want to do this." I begin to cry again, but it's a smaller flow of tears. 

"I wish you didn't have to, Prim." He takes my hand in his and brings me over to the tube. Cinna kisses my forehead and we share one last hug before I step into that dreadful tube that will lift me up into the arena, practically ending my life. All hope that I once held that I could get back home to Katniss has vanished with the wind. The only hope that I hold onto now is that my death will be quick and that Katniss will be able to move on.

I feel like I'm being swallowed up when the tube closes around me. My hand presses against the glass and Cinna places his hand onto mine. The floor that I'm standing on begins to rise and I almost fall to my knees. I allow one last tear and then straighten my stance and hold my head high. Maybe Cinna was right about one thing. Sponsors. They wouldn't just ignore a little girl whose fight to get home was once so strong. 

For a moment, the light of the sun blinds me but soon enough I'm able to focus on the arena. A huge forest lies about fifity yards in front of me, but behind me there is a field of grain higher than my head.

I search desperately for Rue and find her seven spots to my left. It's not difficult to tell that she is also unsure of what to do, but I'm starting to get an idea of what I would like to do. My feet position fowards, something Haymitch is probably yelling about right now, I can hear him in my head, Don't you dare! Go straight for the woods! What the hell are you doing?! But I shake the thoughts clear out of my head. Besides, I'm just going for a small pack that sits on the dirt about twenty feet infront of me. I can feel Rue's eyes on me, so I glance over to her. She mouths to me not to do it, in response I just point to the small pack. Her feet also change into a running position. I smile, knowing that this is definetely an ally that I can trust.

The gong rings out and I quickly sprint off of my platform and dart for the pack. I'm not fast but adreniline fills me and I'm there in no time. Fast as I can, I sling the bag onto my shoulders and dart for Rue who is grabbing a pack also. Once I get to her we bolt for the woods. 

"That was risky, Prim!" Rue shouts as we continue to run as fast as we can through the woods. "We never should have done that."

"It worked, didn't it?" I say as I dodge a tree. Once we've ran a good mile or so we slow down to a jog and keep it up for another half mile when I'm forced to stop. "I'm sorry, I'm just not use to running." 

The Hunger Games - Primrose EverdeenWhere stories live. Discover now