Professor Layton's little "secret"

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Katy's P.O.V

Professor Layton seemed to be very busy. He hadn't spoken to me and Luke in two days! One night, me and Luke were in our room, then Luke climbed into my bed.

"Luke!" I whisper-shouted, blushing.

"Katy, the professor...." He trails off as he tries to find something to say.

"Don't worry Luke, I've got an idea." I said with a tiny smile on my face. I hugged Luke, and we fell asleep in my bed.

The next morning, Luke was shaking me. "Katy? Katy? Are we.... going on our date today?"

I smiled. I kissed Luke's nose and winked at him. "We will, don't worry Lukie. Anyway, is my phone on the bedside table?" 

"Yes it is, why?" Luke replies.

"I think the professor is going to get a special visit from my sister, Emmy Altava." I said, smiling.

I put my phone on loud speaker as I call Emmy.

"Hi Katy!" She said brightly.

"Hi Emmy! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm great! How's your new job?" She questioned.

"It's amazing, I get to be Professor Layton's Apprentice number 2! But anyway, I need your help. Professor Layton needs an assistant, do you think you could help him out?" I replied.

Emmy stayed silent from a minute. Then she replied,

"Of course! Me and Katrina will come today!" 

"That's great! See you soon! Bye!" I said brightly.

The line goes off. 

"Katy, shall we get ready for your sisters to come over?" Luke asks after a satisfactory silence.

"Of course," I said.

I hop out of bed and rush to the bathroom. After getting ready, I walk out to see the professor walk through to the bathroom.

"Good morning professor," I said. 

He barely even replied. He just grunted. I walked through to the bedroom and grabbed some items for the day. Then I walked downstairs to see that Luke was ready. 

"Luke? How are you ready?" I asked, confused.

"I just used the other bathroom...." He replied looking at me like I was clueless.

"Wait, I thought that there was only one bathroom!" I said.

"There are two... I just sorta forgot to tell you that?" He says with a look of guilt on his face.

I laughed and buttered a piece of toast. Then I walked up the stairs with a plan.

"Professor, can I borrow your car?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes, you can Katy." He said distractedly. 

I sigh and walk downstairs. "Luke, we're going out somewhere." 

"Okay, I'm coming!" He runs after me as we go towards the car.

As soon as I start driving, the car isn't as controlled as Luke expects.

"Wait, Katy have you got a driver's licence?" He asked with a scared expression on his face.

"Yes I do, my crazy driving though, comes from my sister Emmy." I said smirking.

We arrived at the shopping centre and walked towards the cinema.

"Oh hi Luke!" A soppy voice says. 

I turned round, already glaring. Just practice I suppose.

"Hello Melanie. What do you want?" Luke asks.

"How about we go for a movie?" She says. 

I glare. Then I walk over to Luke and kiss him.

"Sorry Melanie, but me and my boyfriend were going to see a movie."

I smile forcefully and walk off arm in arm with Luke.

We walked into the theatre with our tickets in our hands. Then we sat down.

"Don't the weirdest things happen in movies?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, they do....." I say. For some reason, me and Luke ended up kissing again. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of that cute boy in the blue hat.

The movie starts with a song.

I need you, 

And you need me too,

Without each other we'd be through.....

I smile. Me and Luke's date was going perfectly.


We got back, Professor Layton was reading an archaeology book.

I sighed. Then I heard a knock. "Yay! She's here!" I yelled.

"Who?" The professor asked silently.

I didn't answer. I opened it slowly...

"Hello Katy!"

Professor Layton's P.O.V

Katy and Luke went out today, with my car. I didn't know Katy could drive, but I have too much work to do to go into detail on the situation. I basically worked all day and waited for them to get back home. 

When they got back, I was reading "The terrors of archaeology by Ronald Dawinski." Katy seemed disappointed that I wasn't talking to her. Then I heard a knock.

"Yay she's here!" Katy yelled excitedly. 

"Who?" I asked, but she ignored me and opened the door.

"Hi Katy!" 

I looked up. Katy seems to have a plan of her own.....

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