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Katy's P.O.V

We arrived on an island after travelling on a boat with Melina's father, 'Melina' of course and some...other people. Every time me or the professor looked at 'Melina' though, she would hide behind her father. I got the sense she didn't like us at first, but then I realised it was more than that.

Anyway, we arrived on the island, confused to see a banquet infront of us.

We sat down to eat, starved from our crazy journey so far.

Luke being Luke, picked enough to feed the whole crowd with us. I picked twice as much as he did. Basically, we were stuffed after eating all that.

So, to exercise off what we had just eaten, we decided to take a walk by the beach. Well, the original idea wasn't ours, I think it was 'Melina's,' because she walked towards the sea.

"Yes Melina, go and have a little play." Oswald said, shooing her off. In case you didn't know, Oswald is Melina's father.

"Oswald, did you really just name your adopted daughter Melina out of affection?" I asked curiously. Something wasn't right, and I was going to press Oswald until the truth seeped out.

"Yes. I did." his expression was hard, an expression I'd never received from him before.

"Come on Luke, let's go for a walk by the beach!" I practically yelled, grabbing Luke and running off.

"Did Oswald scare you?" Luke asked with an amused grin on his face.

"Stop it Luke. I wasn't scared, there was just an expression on his face that I didn't recognise. I need to think." I lied.

Of course I knew what that expression was about. Oswald didn't want me gabbling about Melina and how he had tried to put her personality in me, so he fired anger against me to make me scared. Ha! How immature.

After 'thinking' a little while longer, I stopped.

Me and Luke walked towards 'Melina'. She was singing. A song I recognised all too well.

A/N: Play the video below.

After she finished, Luke looked at her.

"That was beautiful. Who taught it to you?" Luke asked.

I scowled in jealousy. I knew that song too.

No Katy, it's unladylike to get jealous of a friend.

"The sea taught it to me." 'Melina' replied.

"The sea? What does that mean?" Luke asked in confusion

'Melina's' senses seemed to have come to her, because after he asked that question, she ran back to her father.

"Wha- Wait!" Luke yelled.

"You sound incredibly like the professor." I mumbled. "Anyway, how can you not get that? The sea's waves made her think of the tune. It's so simple! When I-" I stopped talking, realizing that I had said too much.

"When you what?" Luke asked suspiciously.

"Nothing! Oh look, the adults are finally gathering. Come on, race you there!" I said in a frenzy before running off.

We reached the adults to the same voice we had heard in the Crown Petone.

"Competition winners! Welcome to Ambrosia! You are all now going to be eliminated one by one for the overall winner to get eternal life! Now, you need to reach the castle you see in the distance. It isn't as easy as it seems though. You have to get past....the wolves. Good luck! HAHAHA!"

Ooooh, freaky. Aaaaaaand awkward silence.

"Well come on everybody, you heard the man, let's get a move on!" I yelled, breaking the silence and causing everyone to gasp and jump.

"She's a very fiery child isn't she?" The book writer whispered to the professor.

" don't know the half of it." He replied, smiling.

Emmy's P.O.V

Since every one was gone from the ship, I got back on my aeroplane, which I had somehow successfully landed on the ship, and took off.

I needed to find Katy, the professor and Luke. There was a huge chance what I was doing linked to what they were doing. And if Katy really was my sister, she'd have notes.

Inspector Grosky's P.O.V

"Help! Help!" I yelled, waving my clothing in the air. All I could hear was the honking of seagulls or other.

Honestly, that child must have been crazy! Pushing me over board, how strange!

"HELP!" I yelled again.

I was standing on a plank of wood, screaming my heart out into air, when I saw the heads. Of sharks.

"Aaaaah!" I yelped, grabbing onto the pole I was holding and unsuccessfully trying to climb up it.

I screamed again, then saw a plane in the distance.

"Help! Over here!" I yelled at the plane, waving my clothes as much as I could.

The plane came downwards. I didn't wait, I jumped on it right before it landed.

"Emmy?" I said, blushing since Emmy was the one to save me, and I didn't even have clothes on. Just underwear.

"Inspector Grosky?" Emmy said in amazement. Then she laughed. "Well I must say, you're making a right sight of yourself standing in your boxers waving your clothes about. Why were you doing that anyway?"

"As you should know, I was stranded. I'll tell you my story, then you have to tell me why you're flying about. Fair?" I replied.

Emmy smiled. "Fair."

"So where shall I start? Oh, yes! I was having my daily cup of tea, when I got notified that the professor had been sent out to solve mysteries again. I knew that something suspicious was going to go on, so I ran to the Crown Petone. When I got there, I sat through the whole performance. Just before I left, a man wearing green walked onto stage. He announced that there was to be some sort of puzzle, involving eternal life and death, so I went up to arrest him as soon as he finished. I tackled him, but then he ducked, ran back onto the stage, blew up and exploded! Anyway, after a bit more investigating a little girl pushed me overboard! Which is why I was stranded." I sighed.

Emmy was listening graciously.

"That's an....interesting story. I'll tell you mine now. I received a message saying that I should go and help look for a missing child. Her name is Nina." She showed me a picture. "I investigated all I could, but a got a hunch that she has something to do with the professor's case, so I decided to meet him in the Crown Petone. When I flew there, everyone was gone! So, once again, I hoped onto my aeroplane and flew off. A few hours later, I heard screams for help. So I flew faster and closer, turns out it was you!" Emmy finished with a smile.

We stayed silent for a bit.

"So, shall we go to wherever the professor, Luke and Katy are? Don't worry, I put a tracker on Katy, we'll find her easily." Emmy smiled.

Let's do this!

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