The truth

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A/N: Hey my wonderful readers, first bit of info, my story is coming to quite an interesting end soon, I suppose. The next story I'll publish is a Professor Layton characters x reader, which will include requests. I'm specially making my first one for someone in particular, but I'm not telling you who.....

Second is, there is a shoutout for the person who got my question right at the end of the last chapter, so stay tuned for that!

Third, my next full story won't be Professor Layton (unfortunately) but I do have a series planned for the future. If you have questions, you can ask on my conversations tab. On to the chapter then!

Katy's P.O.V

As I stared intensely at the puzzle, everyone's eyes were on me, expecting a solution. Unfortunately, that solution was too complicated for them.
Just go with the simple answer and explain what you do to Luke. He'll get it after all.....
I sighed deeply.
Luke's eyes lightened up, and I'm so sure I heard a CLICK in his brain. I called Luke over, then discussed the answer with him.
"So you think.... K-I-N-G? Then.... in? That sounds about right I suppose." I conferred silently.
"You think it's right? Great! I'll go tell everyone!" Luke hurriedly attempted to stand up, but then I dragged him down.
"Luke, I'm going to talk to the professor. I'll explain everything to you later, I just wanted to protect them." I replied hastily, then before Luke had time to answer, I ran off to the Professor.
As Luke explained our answer to everyone else, me and the professor ventured off on our own.
Unfortunately, some of the 'contestants' followed us just because we're the 'smart' ones, and they assumed we had the answer.
"Hey! If you two are going this way, then it's got to be the right way! You can't hog the prize to yourselves!" They ran ahead of us, a bit too quick.
"No! Wait! There's a-" me and the professor were cut off.
A sickly snap erupted in the room, then they were trapped in a 'chasm' type thing.
"Don't worry, we'll be back to get you out of there!" I exclaimed, as the two of us left to find 'Melina'.
The professor was quite silent, waiting for something to happen, or rather, someone to talk.
I sighed deeply. "Professor, I have a lot of explaining to do."

Emmy's P.O.V

"There's an island up ahead!" I yelled, tilting the nose of the plane downwards.
"Finally! A reason to run!" Inspector Grosky yelled back, standing up in his usual pose.
I let out a loud hearty laugh, feeling the wind in my hair, and tasting the sea salt. My cheeks were flushed, my eyes for once felt like they were sparkling.
(A/N: Some weird and random description there)
I landed the plane finally, hopped out, then checked my tracker.
Katy was nearby.

Luke's P.O.V

We walked though the door, then down a passageway. The intense silence gave me time to think about what just happened.
"I just wanted to protect them." Those were her exact words. It was so confusing, who did she want to protect, why didn't she tell us earlier? Unless.... if she told, maybe "they" would be in danger. The families talk had something to do with this. I just knew it. Janice seemed quite silent, so I decided to tackle her about the Katy situation. "Janice, can I ask you something?"
"Of course Luke. What is it?" She replied, her attention instantly on me.
"Katy said to me earlier on that she 'just wanted to protect them'. I don't know who 'them' are, and I'm afraid that Katy and some family members may be in some immediate danger. I was hoping that maybe you know something I don't? You are her best friend after all." I tried to explain smoothly, but my voice trembled as I spoke.
Janice looked slightly overwhelmed. It seemed to take her a few seconds to process what I said, but once she did, she sighed.
"Luke, what I'm about to tell you is the truth. It's Katy's story. She-" Janice was interrupted by a sickly snap and screams.
"I think someone got trapped!" I yelled.
We all panicked, then in a frantic act to protect ourselves, we rushed into the nearest room, locked the door, and breathed out in relief.
Looks like we did too soon.
A cage slammed on top of us, which panicked everyone all the more. Frantic chattering could be heard from our cage, but Janice still managed to look me in the eye and say:
"I've got a lot of explaining to do."

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