The Eternal Diva- Part 2

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Potty/Regular Katy's P.O.V
"Let's dance." I smirked.
Suddenly it was like some sort of dance battle between me and Henry. He lunged at me, which caused me to swerve backwards.
"Is that the best you've got Hennie?" I did my signature giggle.
"Hennie? Don't call me that!!!!!" Henry's brow furrowed as he lunged towards me again.
He's got to try something other than lunging.
I dodged the attack quite swiftly, making Henry trip in the process.
Janice and Katrielle were looking at us with terrified expressions on their faces.
"I could use a little help Melina...." I mumbled to them as I brought me and Henry 'a swords to meet.
I did a backflip then tripped Henry up (again) with my sword, he swiped at me as I jumped up and sailed right over his head.
I giggled again. "You know I'm going easy on you Hennie."
I looked up at everyone, who seemed to be trying to get Luke closer to us. The professor stood with a hand in his chin, as Emmy cheered him on.
In an attempt to save Luke from getting hurt, I twiddled my sword and bashed into Henry, knocking him unconscious.
By then, Luke was already running across the giant version of the Detragon, attempting to reach me, Katrielle and Melina.
Unfortunately, Henry being his strong-willed self recovered quite quickly from the knockout, considering the fact that I hadn't aimed to knock him out that badly.
Henry looks back and forth between me and Luke. "If I can't hit you, maybe I can get your little boyfriend over there."
He ran up, trying to unbalance Luke and knock him off the Detragon.
"Luke!" I yelled, running towards them frantically.
Luke was wobbling, and as I went up to Henry to stop him, he toppled right over.
"LUKE!!" My anger suddenly got the better of me.
I grabbed Henry by the collar, bringing him face to face with me.
"How about I throw you over board Henry, huh? Would you like that? Do you even know what you just did to- mmph"
Henry had smashed his lips against mine in an attempt to win me over. It seemed, after all those years, he still loved me. But never mind that, he still threw Luke overboard, and no one messes with my boyfriend.
I pulled my lips away and glared at Henry. I glared with all the venom inside my body.
Suddenly, the urge overcame me.
It rang out through the entire island.
All was silent.
"Do you really think I'm that much of an idiot Henry?? You think you can win me over with some quick thinking and a kiss!? YOU JUST THREW LUKE OVERBOARD!! I care about him, and I care about him way more than you would've cared about me! But let me make this clear for you Henry, I'm not going down without a fight." I flipped my sword off the floor and slammed it against Henry's. I skilfully twirled it against his, moving my hands back and forth. As everybody looked on in anticipation, I realised that Melina was talking to me.
Luke's alive.
I grinned from ear to ear. Whether the battle was done or not, I was glad that Luke was alive.
I knocked Henry's sword out of his hands, tired of going easy on him. I then knocked him over, making him seem to pass out.
Everyone looked down at me and cheered. The professor was beginning to venture down somehow so that we could end this, but it wasn't over yet.
Everyone's expressions switched from overjoyed to panicked. I tried my best to figure out what they were saying but I couldn't.
All of a sudden, I was knocked over the Detragon.
"KATY!" I heard a voice.
But a few seconds later, I was outside my own body and time has frozen in place.
"Katy, it's time you learnt about how the whole world of bending changed." A voice said from behind me.
I turned round to see who was talking to me.
I gasped in shock. "Avatar Aang?"
He smiled. "Hello Katy."
"What are you doing here?" I asked, still gawping at the avatar.
He laughed. "Isn't it obvious?"
I looked at him blankly.
"No? Okay then. I have come to show you just what happened to the benders and why you are the person you are."
He reached out, grabbed my arm, then we were taken back, to the time of Avatar Korra.
"When Korra lost her connection to the spirit world and shifted the world of bending, she had no idea that by doing that, she had ended the Avatar cycle, which was why she couldn't connect to any past lives. Years and years benders anticipated for the new Avatar, Who never returned, which caused benders to lose power century after century." He showed me what was going on, as benders disappeared from the world and technology got more advanced.
"So... how is this all possible then?" I ran a hand through my hair in confusion.
Aang smiled. "When you were born Katy, certain special people in the world started to gain their bending back."
We looked over to see waterbenders, riding on the waves once again, and earthbenders shaping the land, as the firebenders helped and airbenders flew around, laughing enthusiastically. Suddenly I saw myself staring into the mirror with a merged reflection of me and Melina.
"You are a bender Katy, as you might already know, but when you were younger, as strong willed as you were, you never learnt to wield bending properly. Until Melina joined you."
Aang took my hand and showed me when Oswald placed Melina's life in me.
"The power in her joined you and suddenly your power to bend came slowly to you..."
We were standing as I watched me going into potty Katy state and bending out of control.
"Katy, that state you're in is the Avatar state. Because you had no idea of your immense power, you never controlled it well. But now you can, and many people in the world are gaining hope because of you."
Everyone in the world is bending again, then I realised that Katrielle was the one leading them on, not far ahead was Luke.
Avatar Aang smiled. "Those are your guardians Katy, they will help you every step of the way as you're becoming a full fledged avatar. And better yet, you have the legend beside you."
Luke stood at the end now, sending a gust of wind ahead.
"Your problem is, Katy, as Henry is defeating you now, you are losing the harmonic convergence. You need to stop him, or else the world will be destroyed. And I must say Katy, millions are now multiple benders because of you... this world is much better than mine or Korra's." He paused for a minute and looked ahead of him. "It's best I leave you now Katy, I'll help you to save Luke, then you can defeat Henry and save the world." Aang stepped back and his eyes glowed. I didn't know how I could tell, but mine were too. Then I was suddenly back, falling and falling.
"KATY!" It was Luke racing to grab my hand, as we nearly hit the ground. Then I airbent us up. I pulled up a plank of ground as everyone cheered, then I placed Luke down.
"Luke, you, Katrielle and Melina get to the side!" I looked at Henry, who was laughing quite insanely.
"It's too late now!"
He dragged Katrielle and Melina to the Detragon and angrily started playing. I was frozen in place as they sung without a choice.
Surprisingly though, nothing happened.
He's doing it wrong.
I smirked as Henry annoyedly played again and got the pair to sing.
He suddenly smashed his fists on the keyboard and practically screamed:
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Calm down Henry. You're doing it wrong."
He turned round and raised a skeptical eyebrow at me. I ignored it and beckoned for the professor to come over.
"You see Henry, you're playing just the song of the sea and the stars. But for this to work..." the Professor started playing and Melina started singing alone.
"You must play the song of the sun." Suddenly me and Katrielle both started singing on a higher pitch than Melina.
The water started glowing around us suddenly, it was amazing. The Ambrosian trove began to rise, as Henry watched in shocked anger. This made a determined feeling arise and we continued singing.
Once the trove stopped rising we stopped singing, but we could sense our voices still filling the atmosphere.
Henry obviously couldn't handle it. He angrily yelled:
He lunged towards me and tried to stab me with the sword. I rolled over skilfully, then elbowed him and took the sword. I had accidentally crushed the controls though, so the Detragon was sparking dangerously.
"GET OFF THERE! IT'S GOING TO BLOW!" Randall yelled in an alarmed fashion, running beside the Detragon as it moved.
Henry rolled over the side, hanging onto the edge for his dear life.
"Henry! Grab my hand!" I stretched forward, hoping to save him.
"No! I ruined your life! I turned your brother against you and nearly tore your family apart! I don't deserve to be saved!" He let himself go slowly and looked down.
I pulled my hand back. "You're right. You don't."
Henry looked up at me apologetically, then let go, but before he could fall to his doom, I grabbed his arm.
"But that doesn't mean you have to die." I smiled and pulled him up.
The Detragon was unfortunately still falling though, so I looked around at everyone.
"We have to get off here!" Katrielle said, looking to me for a solution.
I looked from the ground to the Detragon and figured out what we had to do.
"Amelia! Earthbend!" I yelled.
She got the message instantly and earthbent whilst I used the metal to form an escape. I then blew everyone off the Detragon along the path, and we flew down towards the ground and managed to land safely.
"Melina! Oswald said, running towards us. I brushed myself off as Melina clambered up slowly.
"Well that was an eventful rescue." Randall said, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
We all looked over at him. He sighed and walked up to me and Katrielle.
"Guys, I'm so so sorry. I seriously don't know what to say. I believed Henry's lies over my own sisters, then endanger us all. I had no idea what you were doing to protect me and I just took you for granted! I'm such a terrible brother."
Katrielle stepped forward. "Randall, you're not a terrible brother. Me and Katy split us all apart and didn't bother to contact you afterwards. We're sorry for not being around to keep you safe."
I was speechless as we all partook in a three way embrace.
In tears, I turned towards Henry. "I'm sorry I broke your heart. We were told to get married, but I never thought you loved me like that, and we were so young, it hardly made sense! I'm sorry Henry, I just hope you're happy one day with someone else."
Henry looked down and shut his eyes. "I should be apologising. I got so angry, I made up this whole thing just to get my revenge on you and I not only broke up your family, but nearly got you killed too without caring! Why do you always take the blame? You may be selfless, but today it was my fault."
I was shocked at Henry's words, but we all stood silently.
"That's it, come on everyone for a family hug!" Katrielle said to us, trying to break it.
I looked over at Oswald, Luke, Melina and Amelia. "You too, you're part of the family! Hug properly Henry!"
We all laughed as we hugged and took a group selfie to put on the family page.
As we laughed and started walking forward, Melina pulled me and Katrielle aside.
"Guys, I have to go, Janice has to come back."
I sighed. "Your spirit is in us Melina, you're never gone."
"Yeah, with our power combined, we can talk to you any day!" Katrielle said enthusiastically.
Melina giggled and we continued to walk with everyone else.
"Father, I- I can't stay any longer, I have to go and you have to start a new life! Janice needs to live..." she stood across from him and held his hands.
"But Melina, I don't want a new life! I want to live with you! Please, come home, we can play the piano!" He sobbed slightly.
Melina smiled sadly. "Remember what you said to me when you would leave for a concert father.."
They spoke at the same time. "No matter how far I am from you, wherever I go,"
Katrielle and I joined. "You will always be in my heart."
Melina continued, "Wherever you go father, no matter what you do, I was always be in your heart and your memories. And you have Katy and Katrielle too. But father, I must go now."
As Oswald embraced her, she separated slowly.
Oswald fell to the ground in tears and me and Katrielle followed Melina quite sadly.
"Janice I'm sorry I borrowed your body for so long." Melina said.
"Melina, you don't have to go, you can stay!" Janice pleaded with her, but it was no use.
"I think it's best that I go now, I'm glad that you treasured the pendant I gave you." Melina turned towards me.
"I'm sorry for turning you hair red," she laughed, the drew her attention to both me and Katrielle. "Thank you both for allowing me to live on in the world. I can't exactly leave now, but all three of you will be able to connect to me forever and always, so I will never be gone."
We all smiled and held hands.
"Farewell father, always remember me. Farewell Luke, apprentice number one. Farewell Professor Layton, I'm glad you were all my last memory." She loooked at us all with teary eyes.
"Goodbye Melina." I said.
She suddenly was gone from our vision, but she whispered to me again,
"I'll always be with you Katy."
Janice looked distraught. "She's gone from me, she's left us!"
Luke has that adorable determined look on his face again. "No she isn't! She told us she'd always be here, right? Right?"
I smiled and held his hand. "Yes. I'll remember her. But Oswald.... me and Katrielle are always connected to Melina, so is Janice!"
Amelia looked at us. "I'll remember her!"
"So will I!" Randall continued.
Slowly, everyone agrees with the fact that we'd remember Melina, but Inspector Grosky just had to ruin the moment.
"I'm sorry Oswald, Randall and Henry, but you're under arrest."
I groaned.
"I'll bail them out, leave them alone."
Inspector Grosky nodded.
Oswald walked up to the keyboard and started playing the song of the sea, the sun and the stars and we all sang along. That's how our adventure ended.
We're back home and we've told everyone what happened, it was absolutely shocking to them it seemed. Randall and Katrielle started attending our school and it turns out Melanie is actually Kate. We got the principal to work by better rules, because the school council of our area heard what happened with 'Melanie'. Nina got back home safely and Katrina was overjoyed to see Katrielle. Everything ended happily, especially since Henry joined us too. Oh yeah and Inspector Grosky and Emmy are happy together.
I walked onto our balcony. "This is a great ending Avatar Aang. Just like you wanted. Now, we will all protect the world and keep it in balance. Let's do this Melina."
Luke joined me on there.
"You look happy Katy, I think you will make a great Avatar. Melina would be proud."
I smiled at him and we moved closer towards each other until the gap between us was closed.
I turned round. "RANDALL!" I yelled, blushing madly and chasing him.

The end!

Thanks so much for reading guys,I've enjoyed writing this story so much and I'm happy to complete my first book. I'm going to publish a one shots book, then maybe start another book whilst I prepare my Katy series. Be very excited, because I've got so much more in store!
I hope you enjoyed Luke Triton X OC/Reader. 😊😊

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