Setting off

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A/N: The story line of the following chapters will be from Professor Layton and the eternal Diva as you may or may not have already guessed. But instead of the real story line, I'm going to switch things up a bit so that you won't know what to expect.

Nintendogirl123 wishes you happy reading!


Katy's P.O.V

The professor and Katrina get on like a house on fire now, but I knew that would happen. I'm still really confused about that text I got. Maybe it was a wrong number? But even if it was, it's a confusing one.

Anyway, so, the summer holidays had started for me and Luke, so we celebrated by getting ice cream from this awesome stand near the university. It was delicious, but I loved being there with Luke more than the ice cream...

Anyway! Not the subject! You see, I have a tendency too ramble on about things that aren't the subject when I'm excited, like...I'm rambling again, aren't I?

ANYWAY, the professor reminded us about Janice and going to meet her. To be honest, I was nervous. I hadn't seen Janice in ages and I didn't know if we were still friends. I didn't need to doubt and ask questions anymore, because she sent us this letter:

Dear professor, Luke and Katy,

I'm glad you can come to my aid so fast. In the envolope of this letter, I have enclosed tickets to my show, on the Crown Petone, I hope you three can come! Katy, I'm so excited to be seeing you again bestie! I cannot wait till you guys come to my show!

Love, Janice.

"Katy, when I asked you if you knew Janice, you just stuttered. Why does she make it seem like you two are best friends?" The professor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, well...Funny thing. I kinda didn't tell you that me and Janice were, or still are, best friends. My sister Katrielle knew her too. We also knew Melina." I stated, scratching the back of my head nervously.

The professor thought for a moment. "I must acknowledge this Katy. If you knew Melina, what was she like?"

"I'll tell you all I know professor." I stopped a moment, because there was one thing I wasn't telling them. No, I couldn't it would be a risk to all of us. "Melina was a kind thoughtful girl, her father's only child. Her mother died years ago, so he loved and cherished Melina. He was known to be a writer and a scientist. In the middle of his work, tragedy struck. Melina grew very sick. She was fighting a disease... the details too painful. All in all, she died." Tears rolled down my cheeks, even though Melina was practically not dead to me, it still hurt renewing the memory.

Luke hugged me. "It's alright," he whispered.

I sniffed then wiped my eyes.

"Melina's father wrote a play to commemorate her death. Then I moved away. After, this happened. The main idea was for me, Janice and Katrielle to star in the play. But I moved. I do know the general plot though..."

A/N: The scene just changed to the Crown Petone by the way.

"A queen is a kind ruler, great towards her country. She becomes very ill, and her subjects and the royal doctors do their best to save her, but they're too late. She dies. Everyone then drinks the elixir of life, to live forever, live the life their queen never had." I sighed, my story almost over. "Most people believe that the elixir is how Melina got restored into that little girl..but I think it's more than that."

The professor and Luke nodded at me, my story clearly intriguing. The play had just finished and Janice had rushed out.

"KATY!!" She yelled, picking me up and spinning me around the best she could.

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