🍪🍭the candy store🍬🍫

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Miki moki= @kirumom_tojo

store just opened in town, it was very... Cute. It was decorated to make look like a castle made of candy from the outside and pink was EVERYWHERE. Not that you really mind pink but it was a bit to much.

Mugchild desperately wanted to go in and see all the treats they have and cuphead just wanted to see if the inside looks like a actual castle, so you took the boys inside the store. As you expected the walls where a brighter pink almost pastel but the floor was white and looked like it was covered in colorful sprinkles. They have everything that is sweet and sour everywhere from lollipops, to gumballs, to gummybears, to jawbreakers. You name it and they got it.

No one was hardly in the store just a young woman behind the counter talking to a little girl who looked like at the age of 4 thats dressed like a princess.
The lady turns her attention to you and smiled "welcome to the candy store!" She said as the little girl runs out from behind the counter and the boys run off to look at all the candy. The store wasnt very big so you just let them wonder around since you can see them just fine.

You stood there watching them as the woman spoke up "kids huh?" "Ya they can be a handful sometimes" "i hear ya" she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.
Cuphead started to mess with one of the gumball machines and the little girl started to get upset "nooooo dont mess with mr. Gummy!" She cried trying to get him away "but i want some gum!"

"Oh no. Baroness no! Dont do that!" The woman called to the small girl, she stops and pouts "i am so sorry" she said to you "she just has a overactive imagination and she often makes imaginary friends out of the candy and machines here" she said with worry "oh its ok no harm done" you said, she is only 4 she can grow out of it.
"Baroness can you come here?" She called as the little girl named baroness walks over to her mom.

"Sweetie why dont you say sorry to the nice (lady/man) and their kids? You can probably be friends with them" she said nicely to her child, there was a long pause till baroness spoke "ok miss. Miki" she said as she wonders off to apologize to your sons.

"Miss. Miki? I thought she was your daughter?" You asked, even tho its not your buisness you still asked. "She is, she was raised to be all proper when talking to other people before i adopted her" "but.... Shes 4" " i know.." Miki sighs, you glanced at baroness. She was saying sorry for acting like she was and mugchild shyly gave her a small pat on her head.

"Aw" you smiled at how adorable the sight was, baroness walks to you and looks at you with big yellowish eyes "im sorry (miss/mr) i didnt mean to" she said sadly "thats ok baroness" you said and she smiles.

A while later you bought the boys some candy and miki gave you some free samples, when you got home the boys has bad tummy aches. Cuz they ate all the candy while they where in the back seat after you spasifically told them NOT to.

Kid!cuphead and Kid!mugman x parent! readerWhere stories live. Discover now