the lake

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You took the boys to a park that was right by a pretty lake.
You told them not to get in the water its already starting to get cold out and the leaves are changing. Falls already here so theres no chance for swimming at this time of year and you dont want them to get sick.

Mugchild played on the swings while cuphead plays on the monkey bars, you where sitting on a bench watcging the 2 boys play. There wasnt a lot of people at the park today, most where either busy working or the fact that it could rain soon since its very cloudy today.

Turns out your friend was there too, you havent seen them since college. They let their son go and play and they sat beside you going to catch up on things with you.

Mugchild ran off from the playground while you where distracted for a bit. He wanted to go to the lake that was close by to see if there was any fish in the water or maybe something even cooler.
He slid down a small hill and is at the lake, he looked at the water that looks really clean and see no fish anywhere.

"Fishies!!! Where are you!!!" He called to the fish, of course no fish came.
He frowned, hes going to be in so much trouble.
He sees something purple between some large rocks, it was hard to tell what it is.

Mugchild walked over to the rocks and climbed up on one of them to see what it is, it was a purple octopus that has a x over its eyes. It rises up to reveal part of a girls face and her big eyes open startling the poor boy and falling backwards into the water.

Luckily he didnt hit his head on any rocks but now hes all wet. Looks like hes gonna be in more trouble then before, he looks up to see the octopus...or girl is gone.

He looks left and right there was no sign of her "mugs!!!??!?!?!" He heard you call. You must be worried, he got up all soaked and walked back to the playground to find a worried to death you and a scared cuphead.

After mugs explained to you what had happened you got a little upset, you took the boys to the car and drove home.


Mugs got grounded...and sick.


She watches the boy in blue sadly walk away to the calling of what she assumed was his parent.

She never seen a person from the surface, mostly some wildlife like squirrels or stray dogs.
She was sad that she scared him she only wanted a friend.

Sometimes It gets lonely under the water

Kid!cuphead and Kid!mugman x parent! readerWhere stories live. Discover now