have you seen cuphead?

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((Teenager edition!!!))

((Highly recommend watching the vid before reading thank u ^^))

It was friday and everyone just left their schools and work with a spring in their steps happy that the weekened had arived after painful weekdays of work and highschool drama.

Mugman walked out of his highschool and waited for his older brother cuphead to meet him at the front of the school so they can head home. As he waited he waved by at some friends like boris, hilda burg, mickey, and other friends.
He also had a short conversation with his neighbor prince dice before he headed on home himself.

It was 15 minutes later and cuphead didnt show up. He mostve wondered off again without telling mugs. After calling cups and him not answering his phone, He lets out a frustrating sigh and texted you saying that they will be coming home late and said they are hanging out with bendy and boris as a excuse.
After a small text from you saying that they better be home before dark, he put his phone away and headed off to find his older brother.

Now gosh where can that cup be? Could he be with cagney in the garden? Could he be helping sally with her next play? Maybe hanging with oswald somewhere?

He then remember that oswald was sick so he wasnt at school today, lucky. He looked and looked till he walked by the lake seeing cala maria on the rocks "cala! Hey!" Mugs yelled catching her attention, he walked up to her seeing a bright smile on her face "hi mugs!" She said with the sweetest voice.
"I hate to bother you but have you seen cups? He ran off again and we gotta head home" cala maria took a moment to think "no i havent seen him after the final bell, maybe you should ask fanny where he is? I saw her talking to him earlier in the hall today"

Mugs thankd her and said "if you see cups plz tell him to hurry home again!" And ran off to find fanny. Along the way he asked many friends about cupheads whereabouts, most say they havent seen him or to ask fanny. Mugman was confused that everyone said the same thing as cala maria to ask fanny where cup is.

Mugs looked high and low for fanny and cuphead. It was starting to get dark and mugs ignored your calls worried about how youll react when he tells you that cuphead is supposedly missing.

A few moments later mugs found fanny, she was with ortensia by the casino that devils father owns. Mugs ran up to them in a hurry taking deep breaths nearly passing out on how much running he was doing today.
"Are you ok mugs?" Ortensia said with worry, mugs takes a deep breath "i need to know where cups is! Everyone was saying to talk to fanny all day!" Mugs said still out of breath.

Fanny looked at mugs weirdly for a moment then said "he walked me home a while ago then left i dont see what the big deal is" when mugs catched his breath he said "ive been looking for cups all day, he wasnt answering his phone and we needed to head home before dark"

"But its dark now" ortensia said "exactly!" Mugs said worried to death on if cups is like kidnapped or dead in a ditch somewhere AND how his parent will react on one of their sons going missing.
"Hey calm down hes probably heading home" fanny said as calm as possible
"Try calling him again"

Mugs takes out his phone there was many many many missed calls from you, mugs ignored them and called cups again.

"Hello?" Cups finally answered his damn phone!
"Cup! Where have you been!? Ive been looking everywhere for you!!!" Mugs yelled into the phone "jeez mugs calm down, your sounding like (m/d)" cuphead said jokingly.
"Im walking past mick and oz house right now ill be home soon" mickey and oswalds house was a few blocks away from their house "(m/d) is going to be awfully sore when we get there..." Mugs said to the phone "dont go anywhere im going to head there now" "ok"
Mugs hangs up,says bye to the girls, and starts booking it to mickey and oswalds house.

When mugs got there he told cuphead about what happened after school and cuphead said that his phone was on vibrate so he didn't get any calls till he did the last time.

When they both got home they had some serious scalding from you and they both got grounded for 2 weeks.

((Kinda half assed the ending XD oh well))

Kid!cuphead and Kid!mugman x parent! readerWhere stories live. Discover now