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Catharsis: The process of releasing and there by providing relief from strong or repressed emotions; purgation.

(Hi or)Hey everybody!

As you already know, my name is Serena and I'm 19 years old. Before leaving for Uni I lived in Trapani (a small town in Sicily, Italy) and I study foreign languages (English and Spanish) in Bari.

I start this thing by saying that I don't know where I'm going to with this, but I needed a way to "purify" myself from bad friendships and negative thoughts that kind of consume me and I thought "Why not writing about it?", so I'll give it a try.

AsI was saying (or writing) I want to break the chains and "set me free", so let's get it started...


1-Each chapter will have as a title a letter -that is the initial of "my friends'" name- or something that upsets me;

2-As I repeated multiple times, I'm writing this to take weight off my shoulders;

3-I hope you like it, I'm sorry if some of you know what I'm writing about because it's something no one should experience. If you did and you want to talk about it, I'm here for you.



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