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Previously on The Shy Boy and Bad Girl...

"And last, Jungkook and Abee. I suggest you get with your partners and think of a topic to do the project on."

~Jungkooks p.o.v~
Everyone gets up and starts walking towards their partners. My partner, Abee, walked towards me. My stomach started turning, she was so... I can't choose between pretty or beautiful, because she was both.

"Hi, I'm Abee, your Jungkook right?!" She asked in her angelic voice. "Yes..." I replied. We just sat there. "Ok so what should we do for our project?!😊" she asked, breaking the silence. "Um... something easy..." I replied. Something's wrong with me, though I'm happy that I'm actually talking to a girl. Especially a pretty one.

"Um let's see, ooh I know, I'm going to go ask everyone's topic, so we know what is already taken!" She said. She was actually acting like a student, not the Bad Girl.

~Abee's p.o.v~
First I walked over to Fei and Tae. "So what's your topic?" I ask. "The Revolutionary War" Tae said. "Ok thx"

Next I went over to one of my friends, Rose. "So what's your topic?" I ask. "WWll" Namjoon said.

Next, I went over to Jisoo and Hoseok. They were arguing😂 "so what's your to-" " WE CANT CHOOSE, HE'S NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY!!!" Jisoo yelled. Hoseok just kept laughing.

After that I went over to Jimin and Yoongi. They looked so cute smiling with each other❤️. "Hey what is your topic😊" I asked "Oh we've decided to do the Vietnam War" Yoongi said. "Oki thx"

I walked over to Min and Suzy. They weren't as bad as Fei and Jia. "What's your guys topic?" I asked. "The Great Depression" Min said.

I finally got to my last set of partners.

"So what are you guys doing?!" I asked. "Were doing the Louisiana Purchase" Seokjin said. "Yeah so beat it, so we can start working!" Jia said "sorry, but we should get started." Seokjin said. He was probably the only boy who trusted me.

I walked back to Jungkook.

"So I think we should do WWl!" I said. "Ok..." he said in a Shy voice. "C'mon talk to me pleeeaaasssee!" I whined. "Um... ok" he said. "Ok so come over to my house, my parents haven't been home for 2 years because of a business trip, which sucks, cuz it's litterally been 2 years-" I stopped before I got emotional. I don't think Jungkook is close enough for me to tell him my story...

A/n: if this ain't a cliffhanger, well to bad... plus I need time to think about the next chapter, so hopefully I will publish chapter 3 before Sunday, if not then I might be busy, but since it's Friday and we have a three day weekend, I'm sure I will publish it. Also I have the perfect surprise for chapter 4 :).

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