Midnight Crisis

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"I should probably get ho-" "NO YOU CANT LEAVE" she interuppted me...

~Abee's p.o.v~
"W-why n-not" he stuttered

"Because, Hyolyn and her friends go around until midnight to see if they can hook up with any guys, and trust me, a lot of guys walk around here at night. Probably because this is where most of the party's are held." I complain. "A-and I don't want you t-to y'know..." I said.

"T-then when can I go home!?" He asked shyly. He looked too cute shy😊.

"T-tomorrow... you can sleep in the guest room"

 you can sleep in the guest room"

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~Jungkooks p.o.v~
I started to look around the room. "Wow, this is so nice, unlike my mini apartment :(" I told myself. I was a bit nervous, I've NEVER slept in the same house as a girl. You may think 'what about your mom?!' Well... my mom died giving birth. IT WASNT MY FAULT, WE HAD A BAD NIRSE WHO DIDNT KNOW WHAT IN THE WORLD TO DO!!!What if I-I-I acceidently sleep walk like always. What if- I go in her room. It was too much to think about, so I decided to sleep.

~middle of the night~
~Abee's p.o.v~
Door opens and laughter comes out of nowhere.

"Sssshhh😂" I could hear Tae say. "How was your night?!" He asked. "IT WAS T-THE B-BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE😂😂😂" Geulujiya said, she couldn't stop laughing. I walked down the stairs and said "SSSSHHHH YOUR GOING TO WAKE JUNGKOOK!" I whisper yelled. "Why is he here, are you guys dating or something?!" Tae asked.

Pfft no😂

"No, I. Dont. Date😊"  I told him. "Remember, shoo" he said in his deep, but amazing voice.

"Anyway, since its passed midnight, you can head home without being stopped by those dumbos!" I told him.

"Ok well it was such a pleasure meeting you Geulujiya." Tae said. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well😊" Geulujiya replied. They just stood there and stared at eachother. Geulujiya started blushing and getting shy, so before she blew it, I did it for her.

"Well it's really late *fake yawn* we should get to bed" I told them.

"Bye😊" they told eachother. Tae walked out. I have a plan for tomarrow night that is going to be fun😏...

We both got in bed and fell alseep.

For some ODD reason, I had this very weird dream.

~Abee's dream land~
I opens my eyes and saw Jungkook smiling at me. Where was I? More important, why is there so many people, and why are they all dressed up, and why is Jungkook fudging looking at me!!!

"I do"

Those words... sound familiar.

Wait were me and Jungkook g-getting m-m-married?! No this is just a dream.
But the weird thing is... I didn't want to wake up from this dream... but I guess I'm not the only one who controls when I'm asleep or when I'm awake.

"Abee Abee wake up... its time for school!" Geulujiya said.

I got dressed this is what I wore,

I went downstairs and saw Jungkook eating breakfast, when he saw me, he choked!

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I went downstairs and saw Jungkook eating breakfast, when he saw me, he choked!

"JUNGKOOK!!!" I yelled.

I rushed over to him and patted his back hard but not so hard that I hurt him.

"Oh... um... t-th-than-k y-you-you" he stutters then gave me a mini smile.

"Anytime😊" I replied.

We decided to walk to school together. "So Jungkook, shy boy, have you ever... I don't know... liked someone... a lot?!" I asked him. What was I doing. Now that i think of it, where's Geulujiya?! She was right behind us. I turned around. Oh thank god, she was talking to Taehyung. Aw they're so cute❤️

"Um...I don't actually... know" he replied. "Oh, ok" I told him.

We finally reached school.

"See ya... don't forget to meet me by the entrance k😊" I told Jungkook. I was so happy after that. Me and Geulujiya had all the same classes😊.

~time skip to end of Jungkook and Abee's studying~

"Good, you have time to get home without being bothered, take care😊" I told Jungkook.


"Ok what movie?!" She asked.

"Oh um idk😂" I replied.

We sat on the couch and started looking... I couldn't wait for my plan😏

A/n: this is the beautiful ending to my chapter 5. I hoped you liked it😊. This is probably the longest chapter I have😂. So my question for this chapter is, who is your bts bias?! Also I want to start putting how much words my chapters our😂. Plus I tried my best to put Taehung and Geulujiya moments (because my bff is the one who asked for it😂)804 words!

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